1. Treasurer’s Report (Jon): Up $40K
  2. IT Officer (Tony): n/a
  3. Storage Manager (Pat): Pat will be stepping down. Looking for a new Storage Manager. Please reach out to the board if interested.
  4. Convention Reports – All conventions are looking for additional help.
    1. AnimeIowa (July 26th – 28th, 2024)
      1. Final meeting will be Sat July 13th at 2pm at the Hyatt and online. Radio training will be done.
        1. Michele and Jon Maakstad will not be at the meeting; any questions for them need to be emailed.
      2. Crochet-a-long at AnimeIowa: You will need to bring your own materials to the convention.
      3. Load in will be on Thurs July 25 at 11am meet at the hotel leaving for the locker at noon.
      4. Ramen near Hotel
        1. Hokkaido Ramen House
        2. Ramen Belly
      5. If interested in volunteering, staff or have other questions contact: execs@animeiowa.com
    2. ICON (Oct 18-20th, 2024)
      1. Next meeting is Sunday July 14th at Noon at the Penticoff House and online.
      2. Bid for 2025 needs to be submitted by August
      3. If interested in staff or have other questions contact: concom@iowa-icon.com
      4. If interested in Volunteering contact: volunteering@iowa-icon.com
    3. Gamicon (Feb 28-March 2nd, 2025)
      1. Next meeting is going to be Aug 18 6:30pm at Tim’s house at 271 Wiley Blvd NW Cedar Rapids, IA and online
      2. Looking at the hotel site
      3. Dealer room information will be coming soon
      4. Caution Signs (by Scott Brady, Gamicon’s GOH) (Just released)
      5. If interested in volunteering, staff or have other questions contact: info@gamicon.org
  5. Other Projects
    1. Game Library – Michele
      1. Games to the library
        1. Wandering Towers
        2. Caution Signs (by Scott Brady, Gamicon’s GOH)
        3. Sleeping Queens
        4. Poetry by Neanderthals
        5. Bob Ross-Art of Chill
        6. Catapult feud
        7. HerStory
        8. Histrio
        9. Family Business
        10. Catchphrase
        11. Gloomhaven: Jaws of the Lion
        12. Connexio
        13. Critter Cruise
        14. Zigity
        15. Titan Arena
        16. Fantastic Beast:Perilous Pursuit
        17. Hey! That’s My Fish
        18. Voyages
        19. Battle Card
        20. Waypoints
        21. Scribbly Gum
        22. Aquamarine
    2. Video Game Library
      1. The Video Game Library is ready for AnimeIowa.
      2. We acquired several games from the recent Steam sale for the Steam Deck
      3. Have accessories lined up for it.
      4. Need assistance with running Video Game Library please contact Adam
    3. TrekFest – Steve Tait
      1. Happened June 26th
      2. Attended the parade
      3. Thank you to all
      4. If interested please contact Steve at stevenkeithtait@gmail.com
  6. Book Group
    1. Thursday July 11th will be a general discussion covering the books that we have read and those we would like to read.
    2. At Panera on Edgewood Rd in Cedar Rapids at 6pm.
    3. The next meeting Aug 8th A Memory Called Empire (Teixcalaan, #1) by Arkady Martine
  7. Anybody wanting to become Mindbridge Members
  8. Old Business: If there are any problems or questions address them to Jenny from now until Aug 7th meeting Email mindbridge-bod@googlegroups.com
  9. New Business
    1. Review and implement harassment policy Here (last updated Feb 10, 2023)
    2. Mindbridge Shirts
      1. Sizes
        1. Cotton Polo
          1. (1)-2XL
          2. (2)-XL
          3. (2)-L
        2. Moisture Wicking Polo
          1. (1)-Kids XL
          2. (1)-Adult M
    3. Geeky places to checkout in
      1. Edinburgh, Scotland
        1. Secret Solstice Game: Cafe gaming store and Escape Room
        2. Barologist- Steampunk Bar and Cafe
        3. Pizza Geeks
      2. Rochester, NY
        1. Millennium Games
        2. Strong Museum of Play

Anime Iowa Meeting-Sunday July 28th, 2024 at 1PM in Programming 3 (Oakdale 3)- Open to public
Next meeting will be Wed Aug 7th @ 7pm online and in person at the ARC in Iowa City ARC 2401 Towncrest Dr 2401 Iowa City, IA. Across the street from the church of the Nazarene, two blocks from the old building.