1. Treasurer’s Report (Jon Maakestad)
      1. Down $3,000
      2. Motion was made by Amanda and seconded by Sheril to grant Jon Maakestad will be added to the Green State Accounts and Christine Cromwell will be removed from the accounts, and that Michele Maakestad will remain on the accounts
        1. Motion approved
    2. IT Officer (Tony Penticoff): No updates to report
    3. Storage Manager (Pat MacCauley): Pat has requested to step down as Storage Manager. Will continue to perform the role until a new Storage Manager can be appointed.
    4. Convention Reports-All conventions are looking for additional help.
      1. AnimeIowa (July 26th – 28th, 2024)
        1. AnimeIowa will not be adding Staff at the convention. They will, however, graciously accept any volunteers.
        2. Next meeting is June 8th @2:00 PM, at the Hyatt Regency and remote via Zoom. This and next two meetings are mandatory for all staff to show up to at least one.
        3. Cosplay Signup has opened
        4. If interested in volunteering, staff or have other questions contact: execs@animeiowa.com
      2. ICON (Oct 18-20th, 2024)
        1. Bid for 2025 needs to be submitted by August
        2. Next meeting at the Penticoff residence,Penticoff house 6914 Amhurst Dr Cedar Rapids, IA Sunday June 9th @2:00 PM.
        3. Programming suggestions will be closing soon.
        4. Programming will be sending out Looking for Panelists
        5. Tony is working on a bid for ICON50
        6. If interested in staff or have other questions contact: concom@iowa-icon.com
        7. If interested in Volunteering contact: volunteering@iowa-icon.com
      3. Gamicon (Feb 28-March 2nd, 2025)
        1. Meeting on Sunday May 19th was conducted, reviewed the space and what to use. Additionally reviewed badge policies due to the change in venue.
        2. Next meeting will be Sunday June 23rd 6:30 PM at Tim Rudzianski’s 271 Wiley Blvd NW Cedar Rapids, IA and online.
        3. Gamicon will be at the 5th Street Social in Coralville August 10, 2024 4:00-10:00 pm
        4. If interested in volunteering, staff or have other questions contact: info@gamicon.org
    5. Other Projects
      1. Game Library (Michele): Annual inventory conducted, culled a number of games and sold some.
      2. Video Game Library
        1. Acquired gaffers tape and velcro labels to help with running
        2. Need assistance with running Video Game Library please contact Adam
      3. TrekFest – Steve Tait
        1. Making plan for the Fest
        2. Volunteers representing Mindbridge have authorization to take membership sign ups for ICON.
        3. June 27-29th Website Here
        4. If interested please contact Steve at stevenkeithtait@gmail.com
        5. Mindbridge support for Voyage Home museum planned
          1. Table and tent
          2. Mindbridge iPad for ICON Membership
          3. ICON registrations
          4. Mindbridge flyers
          5. Mindbridge tablecloth
          6. Volunteers:
            1. Pam & Tom Webster
            2. Brian and Angie Anderson
            3. Jon and Michele Maakestad
            4. Doug Brenner
            5. Patch Casey
      4. Book Group
        1. Thursday June 20th we will be discussing Fairy Godmother by Mercedes Lackey. At Panera on Edgewood Rd in Cedar Rapids at 6pm.
        2. July 11th will be a general discussion covering the books that we have read and those we would like to read.
    6. Anybody wanting to become Mindbridge Members
      1. Ben Davison- Approved
      2. Damon Ross- Approved
    7. Old Business
      1. Mindbridge Membership Meeting- Saturday May 18th Board Member Position (Tony’s) was voted on,
      2. If there are any problems or questions address them to Amanda from now until July 10th meeting Email mindbridge-bod@googlegroups.com
    8. New Business
      1. Bid for AnimeIowa to review at the general meeting
      2. Motion to mature 2 CDs in August and 1 in September, to pursue higher rates of return.
        1. Vote taken and approved
      3. Change for the ARC
        1. Now have a requirement to sign liability and make a $50 security deposit for use of the space for Mindbridge meetings.
        2. Motion was made to pay by Tony and seconded by Amanda.
        3. Voting was approved by the board
      4. AnimeIowa Bid
        1. Merged AnimeIowa 2025 Bid Proposal
        2. Merged AnimeIowa 2025 Bid Budget
        3. Motion to vote made by Tony, seconded by Chelsea. Vote taken and approved

Next meeting will be Wed July 10th @ 7pm online and in person at the Penticoff house 6914 Amhurst Dr Cedar Rapids, IA