Mindbridge Meeting Minutes Jan 4th, 2023

  1. Call to Order
  2. Minutes-waved
  3. Treasurer’s Report (Jon)
    1. Up $1425.94
    2. Insurance is coming up next month
    3. Storage locker fees will be going up
  4. IT Officer (Tony)
    1. Discord server is up and running (Hooray!)
    2. There are a few laptops that are going close to obsolete
    3. Discussion about usage of Dropbox for cloud storage can be obtained for (estimated $3/month)
    4. Schedule meetings with other IT officers to go over password management
  5. Storage Manager (Pat)
    1. Jon is going to be sending information about increase of the price
      1. A new storage locker should be looked into
      2. Any ideas for new lockers should be sent to Pat.
  6. Convention Reports
    1. Gamicon (Next Gamicon Feb 24-26, 2023)
      1. As of January 2, 2023, we have 158 registered attendees, 43 of whom are sponsors.
      2. We currently have 58 scheduled events, but still have to put in the Double Exposure tournaments and GOH events. Still getting a steady stream of events coming in.
      3. The deadline to submit events to be included into the program book is January 15th. (events can still be scheduled after that date, but will not be added to the program books)
      4. Event sign up is expected to open for Sponsors on February 1st, and for all others on February 8th, and run through February 17th at Midnight.
      5. GM parties are scheduled for January 14th (Iowa City Area, location TBA), and January 15th (CR Area, location TBA unless someone at the meeting knows otherwise.) from 1pm-4pm.
      6. We will have staff meetings directly after those events.
      7. We are aware that people are being told by the hotel that the room block is full. Ryan has contacted the hotel, but at the time of this writing has not heard back.
    2. AnimeIowa (July 28-30, 2023)
      1. Registrations are coming in.
      2. Meeting Jan 14 at the Coralville Hyatt and online at 2pm, Holiday party (White Elephant $15 limit)
      3. Still looking for people to lead departments please email exec@animeiowa.com
        1. REVENUE team lead
        2. Scheduling team lead
        3. logistics project lead
        4. charity project lead
        5. tech project lead
        6. community outreach project lead
        7. contests project lead
    3. ICON (Oct 14-16, 2022)
      1. Meeting is going to be Jan 14th at the Coralville Hyatt Time TBD
        1. People are invited to the AI White Elephant Holiday Party
      2. Holiday Sale for Registration through the 15th of Jan
  7. Other Projects
    1. Game Library (Michele): Michele could use some assistance sometime in getting the items ready for auction (Gamicon). Contact Michele if you would like to help with that.
    2. Video Game Library (Adam)
      1. Still needs Staff for conventions
      2. Working on getting some fundraising information online
    3. Book Group: On hold, Folks haven’t been able to make meetings, need to reorganize
  8. Old Business
    1. If there are any problems or questions address them to Tony from now until Feb 1st meeting
    2. Review and discuss the Mindbridge Harassment Policy: This is still being reviewed
    3. Work on Database for Membership Management – Scheduled on Jan 21st
  9. New Business
    1. Review Mindbridge Discord Server and Information, Invite Link: https://discord.gg/PeZ2rCxfTa
    2. Gamicon new Bid Review and vote on it in Feb.
      1. Gamicon 33 Arsenic Budget
      2. Proposal for Gamicon 33 Arsenic
    3. April 2021 minutes by-law update, needs to get to Mark for updating on Website- Tony will do this
    4. Any agenda items that people would like to bring up at the next general meeting needs to be emailed to the Secretary -Jessica Penticoff at Rowanstarr22@gmail.com by the end of the day on Monday before the meeting on Wednesday. Otherwise it might not be discussed.
    5. Moving back to having an in person meeting
      1. The Penticoffs March 1st meeting, 6914 Amhurst Dr SW Cedar Rapids, IA
      2. April 5th in Tiffin place TBD

Next Meeting: Wednesday Feb 1st at 6pm online via Zoom.