September 2022 Minutes

Mindbridge Meeting Minutes Sept 7th, 2022

  1. Call to Order
  2. Minutes-waved
  3. Treasurer’s Report (Jon): Down $84,753
  4. IT Officer (Adam): n/a
  5. Storage Manager (Pat): n/a
  6. Convention Reports
    1. ICON (Oct 14-16, 2022)
      1. New Website is Live
      2. Next meeting Sept 10th 10am in person and online Coralville library
      3. Hotel Rooms – 69 (138 nights) Rooms needed to fulfill the contract with the hotel by Sept 22nd
      4. Last day for Registration is Sep 22nd
    2. Gamicon (Next Gamicon Feb 24-26, 2023)
      1. Next meeting 9/18, 6:30 PM on Discord
      2. Things going well
    3. AnimeIowa (July 28-30, 2023)
      1. Post Mortem meeting Sept 24 at the Hyatt and virtual 2-5pm
      2. Working on wrapping up books for 2022
  7. Other Projects
    1. Game Library (Michele):
      1. New games added to library
      2. Sept 24th game library inventory at the ARC 2401 Towncrest Dr, Iowa City, 52240
    2. Video Game Library (Adam): n/a
    3. Book Group: September 12th @ 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm, Corporate Gunslinger by Doug Engstrom. Online, please talk to Cath or Michele for link if needed
  8. Old Business
    1. Review ICON 48 Proposal
      1. Looking for addition members for ConCom for ICON 48
        2. Need to discuss with the ICON Concom and the board after this meeting.
        3. The budget will be sent out this weekend to the Mindbridge Membership Google Group. It will be voted on at the October membership meeting.
    2. Vote on Gamicon manifesto change – Approved
  9. New Business
    1. Tony Stepping Down as Mindbridge President as of Nov
      1. Until a new president is available, we are going to perform the presidency as rotation until such time.
      2. Rotation will be Sheril, Amanda, Jenny, Tony, Robin
    2. Gamicon needs two small Acrylic boxes for Donations for Extra Life at Hobby Town and Geek City after ICON.
  10. Next Meeting: Wed Oct 5th at 7 PM online