Mindbridge Meeting Minutes May 4th, 2022
- Call to Order Minutes – reading waived
- Treasurer’s Report (Jon): Mindbridge down $7K
- IT Officer (Adam)
- AI-G-suite is pushed back another month email
- Website redesign for ICON -private donation
- Storage Manager (Pat)
- AI- locker organization event
- Need have Gamicon and ICON look through remaining items. What is needed and what is not
- AI- locker organization event
- Convention Reports
- AnimeIowa (July 22-24, 2022), Staff meeting May 14, 2 pm Hybrid at the Coralville Hyatt and online
- Bid sent out for 2023
- Locker organization meeting
- Shop button reorganization
- ICON (Oct 14-16, 2022), Staff meeting Saturday May 14, 10 am, online and in person Coralville Library
- Fundraising efforts successful
- $540 raised through garage sale
- Holdemans will be invited
- Jim Hines will be toast master
- Redesign of website in progress
- There is a deadline for Profession Comp badges Aug 1st 1. No comp badges at the convention registration
- Fundraising efforts successful
- Gamicon (Next Gamicon Feb 24-26, 2023), Staff meeting (No Staff Meeting in May) June 12th 6pm online and in person (location:TBD)
- Working on plan of action
- Working on Manifesto
- June 12th online and in person
- Would like new staff members
- AnimeIowa (July 22-24, 2022), Staff meeting May 14, 2 pm Hybrid at the Coralville Hyatt and online
- Other Projects
- Game Library (Michele)
- Game library inventory – completed
- Many games were purchased that were being removed from the library
- Origami shelf was great and looking at purchasing another from proceeds from the game sales
- Game library inventory – completed
- Second copy Dinosaur Island was purchased for the library
- Would like to start holding demo check website for more information
- Game Library (Michele)
- Video Game Library (Adam)
- Inventory was taken
- Broken Wii U found in storage locker
- Book Group: Monday May 9th at 6pm, The Library of the Unwritten by A.J. Hackwith
- Online, please talk to Cath or Michele for link if needed
- Old Business
- Annual MB meeting May
- 21st of May in person as well as Online 11Am. The room is reserved from 10 to 4, in case anyone needs to set anything up in the hour preceding.
- Coralville Library – Meeting Room A
- Jon will be bringing beverages, anyone else welcome to bring snacks or food.
- President of Mindbridge is up for election
- AI Bid from last month
- Vote on bid passed
- Bookmark design approved and ready for first run
- Annual MB meeting May
- New Business
- Trek Fest (June 25th) has asked if we would be interested in sponsoring them.
- Sponsorship levels
- Bronze – $250
- Silver – $500
- Gold – $1000
- Platinum – $2500
- Membership Voted to not contribute sponsorship this year, but would like to still be approached next year for potential sponsorship.
- Parade will take place Sat June 25 at 10am
- Some interest was shown on having a float in the parade
- Sponsorship levels
- Sales tax for Garage sale
- Not applicable to non-recurring events
- Proposed Amendment to the By-Laws, to remove Google Groups from section 10
- Amend:
Section 2 — Location
All documents shall be available for download from
http://groups.google.com/group/mindbridge-foundation and from the website https://mindbridge.org/ - Amend by deleting:
“http://groups.google.com/group/mindbridge-foundation and from” - We will vote on this amendment at the June meeting
- Amend:
- Trek Fest (June 25th) has asked if we would be interested in sponsoring them.
Next Meeting: Wed June 1st, 2022 online