Mindbridge Meeting Minutes May 4th, 2022

  1. Call to Order Minutes – reading waived
  2. Treasurer’s Report (Jon): Mindbridge down $7K
  3. IT Officer (Adam)
    1. AI-G-suite is pushed back another month email
    2. Website redesign for ICON -private donation
  4. Storage Manager (Pat)
    1. AI- locker organization event
      1. Need have Gamicon and ICON look through remaining items. What is needed and what is not
  5. Convention Reports
    1. AnimeIowa (July 22-24, 2022), Staff meeting May 14, 2 pm Hybrid at the Coralville Hyatt and online
      1. Bid sent out for 2023
      2. Locker organization meeting
      3. Shop button reorganization
    2. ICON (Oct 14-16, 2022), Staff meeting Saturday May 14, 10 am, online and in person Coralville Library
      1. Fundraising efforts successful
        1. $540 raised through garage sale
        2. Holdemans will be invited
        3. Jim Hines will be toast master
      2. Redesign of website in progress
      3. There is a deadline for Profession Comp badges Aug 1st 1. No comp badges at the convention registration
    3. Gamicon (Next Gamicon Feb 24-26, 2023), Staff meeting (No Staff Meeting in May) June 12th 6pm online and in person (location:TBD)
      1. Working on plan of action
      2. Working on Manifesto
      3. June 12th online and in person
        1. Would like new staff members
  6. Other Projects
    1. Game Library (Michele)
      1. Game library inventory – completed
        1. Many games were purchased that were being removed from the library
        2. Origami shelf was great and looking at purchasing another from proceeds from the game sales
    2. Second copy Dinosaur Island was purchased for the library
    3. Would like to start holding demo check website for more information
  7. Video Game Library (Adam)
    1. Inventory was taken
    2. Broken Wii U found in storage locker
  8. Book Group: Monday May 9th at 6pm, The Library of the Unwritten by A.J. Hackwith
    1. Online, please talk to Cath or Michele for link if needed
  • Old Business
    1. Annual MB meeting May
      1. 21st of May in person as well as Online 11Am. The room is reserved from 10 to 4, in case anyone needs to set anything up in the hour preceding.
      2. Coralville Library – Meeting Room A
      3. Jon will be bringing beverages, anyone else welcome to bring snacks or food.
      4. President of Mindbridge is up for election
    2. AI Bid from last month
      1. Vote on bid passed
      2. Bookmark design approved and ready for first run
  • New Business
    1. Trek Fest (June 25th) has asked if we would be interested in sponsoring them.
      1. Sponsorship levels
        1. Bronze – $250
        2. Silver – $500
        3. Gold – $1000
        4. Platinum – $2500
      2. Membership Voted to not contribute sponsorship this year, but would like to still be approached next year for potential sponsorship.
      3. Parade will take place Sat June 25 at 10am
        1. Some interest was shown on having a float in the parade
    2. Sales tax for Garage sale
      1. Not applicable to non-recurring events
    3. Proposed Amendment to the By-Laws, to remove Google Groups from section 10
      1. Amend:
        Article X — OTHER DOCUMENTS
        Section 2 — Location
        All documents shall be available for download from
        http://groups.google.com/group/mindbridge-foundation and from the website https://mindbridge.org/
      2. Amend by deleting:
        “http://groups.google.com/group/mindbridge-foundation and from”
      3. We will vote on this amendment at the June meeting

Next Meeting: Wed June 1st, 2022 online