March 2022 Minutes

Mindbridge Meeting Minutes

  1. Wednesday March 2, 2022 online
  2. Call to Order by John Johnson subbing for Tony P.
  3. Minutes – reading waived; John Johnson subbing for Jessica P.
  4. Treasurer’s Report (Jon) – up about $26k from last month
  5. IT Officer (Adam) no major updates
  6. Storage Manager (Pat)
    1. Got everything back in the locker after Gamicon without breaking anything or anyone
    2. Looking at alternative Locker locations as costs going up with the new company
  7. Convention Reports
    1. Gamicon was Feb 25-27, 2022
      1. Convention went well, people had fun
      2. Additional spacing went well, few minor hiccups but nothing major
      3. Next Gamicon Feb 24-26, 2023
      4. Had about 450 attendees
      5. About 70 pre-regs for next year already
      6. Staff meeting Sunday March 27, 6:30 pm, Discord
    2. AnimeIowa (July 22-24, 2022)
      1. Staff meeting Sat March 12, 2 pm Hybrid at the Coralville Hyatt and online
      2. Staff room block will open on March 14th
      3. Rooms available for reservation starting April 4th
    3. ICON (Oct 14-16, 2022)
      1. Staff meeting Saturday March 12, 10 am, online
      2. GOH Nicholas Meyer, director and writer for several Star Trek movies and has written several books
      3. ConCom meeting Thursday evening to go over plans
      4. Working on updating doc on the wiki
  8. Other Projects
    1. Game Library – Michele: Got used a lot at Gamicon, nothing to report other than we were gifted a lot of games
    2. Video Game Library (Adam)
      1. Video Game Library stats from Gamicon, for anyone who cares:
        Item # Times Checked Out Time Played
        Total 164 120:58:30
        Nintendo Switch (overall) 103 64:02:48
        Sony PS4 (overall) 34 25:46:48
        Sony PS3 (overall) 27 31:08:54

        Top 11 Games by Playtime

        Item # Times Checked Out Time Played
        Call of Duty: Black Ops II 11 13:44:24
        Super Smash Bros (Switch) 17 12:18:34
        New Pokemon Snap (Switch) 3 7:41:36
        Super Mario Odyssey (Switch) 6 7:34:20
        Mario Kart 8 Deluxe (Switch) 14 6:16:48
        Persona 4 Arena Ultimax (PS3) 5 5:00:53
        Tricky Towers (Switch) 6 4:49:49
        Killzone 3 (PS3) 3 4:27:42
        Trials Fusion (PS4) 1 3:31:16
        Hatsune Miku: Project Diva X (PS4) 2 3:08:58
        Pokémon Legends Arceus (Switch) 7 3:04:07
    3. Book Group: Monday March 14, A Declaration of the Rights of Magicians by H.G. Parry, Talk to Cath or Michele for link
  9. Old Business
    1. AI trademark-Adam
    2. Will continue to look into with attorney and execs of AI
  10. Treasurer’s Retreat-online Saturday March 19th 1PM, Any Mindbridge member can attend
  11. Annual MB meeting May, requests for not Memorial Day weekend
    1. Will decide date in April
    2. Maybe picnic or integrated meeting at Coralville Library
  12. New Business
    1. Sunday March 6, Wylde Nept playing in Cedar Rapids with youngest Maakestad attending
      Sunday, March 6, 1:00 – 6:00 pm
      50 2nd Ave Bridge, Cedar Rapids, IA 52401, USA
  13. Dana Bates requested membership, approved.

Next Meeting: Wed April 6, 2022 online