December 2021 Minutes

Mindbridge Meeting Minutes Wednesday, Dec 1, 2021 at 7 PM online

  1. Call to Order by Tony Penticoff
  2. Minutes – reading waived
  3. Treasurer’s Report (Jon) – down just over $2k from last month but all of ICON’s bills are paid
  4. IT Officer (Adam) – no updates
  5. Storage Manager (Pat) – Quality Care was sold, no price changes yet
  6. Convention Reports
    1. Gamicon (Feb 25-27, 2022)
      1. Next meeting Sunday Dec 12, 6 pm on Discord
      2. Getting signups and events in
      3. Need new volunteer coordinator
    2. AnimeIowa (July 22-24, 2022)
      1. Next staff meeting Dec 11, 2 pm online
      2. Recruitment seminar this weekend Dec 4-5
      3. Guest roster about done
    3. ICON (Oct 15-17, 2021)
      1. Had recap meeting on Sat Nov 13th
      2. All bills paid
      3. Next staff meeting will be January 2022
  7. Other Projects
    1. Book Group – Monday Dec 13th, 6 pm, Architects of Memory by Karen Osborne
    2. Game Library (Michele) – no report
    3. Video Game Library (Adam)
      1. Alex Phillips who was VGL chair passed away recently.
      2. Adam working to consolidate VGL items
      3. Looking for help for running VGL at Gamicon
      4. Adam is interested in becoming VGL chair, will be decided at next meeting.
      5. If anyone has photos of Alex please send them to Adam.
  8. Old Business
    1. Proposal to amend Bylaws to say “The annual meeting of the Super Committee shall take place during a major project operated by Mindbridge (for example: ICON, Gamicon, and AnimeIowa) rotating between each, or at a time and place determined by a majority of the Super Committee members. The Super Committee will elect its representatives to the Board of Directors, provide reports on projects and tasks, and perform any other necessary business.” Discussed, Movel to accept, passed. Future elections will be Super Committee meetings at AI 2022, Gamicon 2023, ICON 2024.
    2. Looking for a new membership manager to manage Mindbridge points.
    3. Looking for a new secretary to replace John Johnson who will work with them to gracefully transition.
    4. Robin suggested the AnimeIowa mailbox be merged into the MB/ICON/Gamicon mailbox to save $120+ a year, Lyz will bring up to the AI Exec committee meeting in December. AI needs to let Jon Maakestad know ASAP as renewal is due Dec 26th.
  9. New Business
    1. Animeiowa vs Anime Iowa trademark – Adam will check with copyright lawyer and give us an update at the January meeting.
    2. Extra Life gaming will be Saturday Dec 11th from 3-9 PM. (PDF flier)

Next meeting: Wednesday January 5, 7 PM online using Zoom