Mindbridge Meeting Minutes Wednesday, Nov 3, 2021 at 7 PM online
- Call to Order by Tony Penticoff
- Minutes – reading waived
- Treasurer’s Report – down about $7.5k from last month
- IT Officer – no major updates, ICON is looking at a zoom account, considering a Mindbridge Zoom account, Adam will present a proposal at a future meeting; AI transitioning to a new IT officer David Phan • davidvphan001@gmail.com.
- Convention Reports
- ICON (Oct 15-17, 2021)
- Staff meeting Sat Nov 13, 10am on Zoom
- Art sales were about $3,500k
- Had 7 people donate at the blood drive helping save 28 lives
- Received $409 in donations between Paradise ICON and ConSuite
- Raised $442 for the ICON charity
- About 350 attendees
- Gamicon (Feb 25-27, 2022)
- Staff meeting Sun Nov 7, 6 pm on Discord
- Have posted Covid policy, most people are OK with it
- Have GOH
- Registrations and events are coming in
- Working on T-shirts, will be up on website soon
- AnimeIowa (July 22-24, 2022)
- Positions are being assigned, Pat will be treasurer
- Exec meeting in November, staff meeting in December
- ICON (Oct 15-17, 2021)
- Other Projects
- Book Group – Monday Nov 15th, 6 pm, online The Left-Handed Booksellers of London by Garth Nix
- Game Library – Games were played at ICON, don’t have numbers yet
- Video Game Library – met, went over historical checkouts, not acquiring new consoles at this time
- Old Business
- Proposal to amend Bylaws to say “The annual meeting of the Super Committee shall take place during a major project operated by Mindbridge (for example: ICON, Gamicon, and AnimeIowa) rotating between each, or at a time and place determined by a majority of the Super Committee members. The Super Committee will elect its representatives to the Board of Directors, provide reports on projects and tasks, and perform any other necessary business.”
- Discussed, will be voted on at the December meeting. If passed, future elections would be Super Committee meetings at AI 2022, Gamicon 2023, ICON 2024.
- New Business
- Liam Carhoff asked to be a Mindbridge member. Approved.
- Looking for a new secretary to replace John Johnson who will work with them to gracefully transition.
- Looking for a new membership manager to manage Mindbridge points.
- Robin suggested the AnimeIowa mailbox be merged into the MB/ICON/Gamicon mailbox to save $120+ a year, Lyz will bring up to the AI Exec committee meeting in December. Need to know before February.
- Looking at Extra Life gaming on Oct 22nd 2022 looking at a live stream as well as in person, looking for help in planning.
- Shawn Johnson and Jon Maakestad have birthdays in November, they are meeting on Friday Nov 5th for 7 pm dinner at Mexico Lindo by Sycamore Mall/Iowa City Market Place and then watching the Eternals movie at 9 pm at Sycamore Theaters.
Next Meeting: Wednesday, December 1, 2021 at 7 PM online