Minutes of Mindbridge Annual Meeting 2021-05-21
- Called to order
- Minutes – reading waived
- No treasurer’s report
- IT Officer – we have IT
- Convention Reports
- Gamicon (Feb 25-27, 2022)
- Staff Meeting Sunday May 23, Discord, 6 pm
- Will be discussing additional ConCom
- AnimeIowa (July 30-Aug 1, 2021)
- Staff meeting Saturday June 12, 2 pm
- Getting ready to announce guests
- ICON (Oct 15-17, 2021)
- ConCom met Wed night w/Robin to go through budget
- Hotel room link has been fixed, existing reservations are OK
- Reaching out to author GOH
- Have artist GOH Jeff Lee Johnson https://www.deviantart.com/jeffleejohnson
- Jim C. Hines will be toastmaster
- Joe and Gay Haldeman confirmed
- Staff meeting Saturday June 12, 10 am
- Gamicon (Feb 25-27, 2022)
- Other Projects
- Sunday June 6 Game Library Inventory 10 am – 5 pm
- Video Game Library – no updates
- Book Group June 14, 6 pm: The Constant Rabbit by Jasper Fforde
- Old Business
- PPE – discussed, waiting for AnimeIowa to respond
- New Business
- Katie is stepping down, looking for new board member.
- Robin Buskirk volunteered, Seconded. Passed. Robin is new board member.
- Discussion about AI refunds: other than significant extenuating circumstances a refund is not allowed. Rolling over to next year’s convention is allowed.
- Penticoff’s cat said “Meow!”
- Meeting adjourned