2021 Annual Meeting Minutes

Minutes of Mindbridge Annual Meeting 2021-05-21

  1. Called to order
  2. Minutes – reading waived
  3. No treasurer’s report
  4. IT Officer – we have IT
  5. Convention Reports
    1. Gamicon (Feb 25-27, 2022)
      1. Staff Meeting Sunday May 23, Discord, 6 pm
      2. Will be discussing additional ConCom
    2. AnimeIowa (July 30-Aug 1, 2021)
      1. Staff meeting Saturday June 12, 2 pm
      2. Getting ready to announce guests
    3. ICON (Oct 15-17, 2021)
      1. ConCom met Wed night w/Robin to go through budget
      2. Hotel room link has been fixed, existing reservations are OK
      3. Reaching out to author GOH
      4. Have artist GOH Jeff Lee Johnson https://www.deviantart.com/jeffleejohnson
      5. Jim C. Hines will be toastmaster
      6. Joe and Gay Haldeman confirmed
      7. Staff meeting Saturday June 12, 10 am
  6. Other Projects
    1. Sunday June 6 Game Library Inventory 10 am – 5 pm
    2. Video Game Library – no updates
    3. Book Group June 14, 6 pm: The Constant Rabbit by Jasper Fforde
  7. Old Business
    1. PPE – discussed, waiting for AnimeIowa to respond
  8. New Business
    1. Katie is stepping down, looking for new board member.
    2. Robin Buskirk volunteered, Seconded. Passed. Robin is new board member.
    3. Discussion about AI refunds: other than significant extenuating circumstances a refund is not allowed. Rolling over to next year’s convention is allowed.
    4. Penticoff’s cat said “Meow!”
  9. Meeting adjourned