August 2021 Minutes

Mindbridge Meeting Minutes Wednesday, August 3, 2021 at 7 PM at Penticoff’s home and online

  1. Called to Order by Tony Penticoff
  2. Minutes – reading waived
  3. Treasurer’s Report – up but several AI bills pending
  4. IT Officer – no report
  5. Convention Reports
    1. AnimeIowa was July 30-Aug 1, 2021
      1. Estimated 2500-2600 attendees
      2. Mask mandate went over well
      3. Lot of people came up to sign up for staff
      4. Made about $2,064 for the Iowa Asian Alliance charity
      5. Overall went smoothly for attendees
      6. Hotel was very happy with AnimeIowa attendees and staff
      7. August 18 Coralville Marriott will become a Hyatt Regency
    2. ICON (Oct 15-17, 2021)
      1. Convention is October 15-17, 2021, UI Homecoming so get your room reservation in!
      2. 2022 and 2023 hotel contracts signed
      3. AI has leftover sanitizer and masks that ICON can use
    3. Gamicon (Feb 25-27, 2022)
      1. Meeting Sunday August 15, 6 pm on Discord
  6. Other Projects
    1. Game Library – was at AnimeIowa, popular, lots of checkouts, game room was busy about 85% of the time. Games sanitized after every game, tables wiped after every use
    2. Book Group – 6 pm Monday, August 30th, online, The House of Salt and Sorrow by Erin A Craig
    3. Video Game Library – no report
  7. Old Business
    1. ICON 47 2022 Concom bid discussion
      1. Discussed, vote will be at the September meeting.
      2. Attachments: bid, budget, staff
  8. New Business
    1. Odyssey Con (Madison SF/F Con) disbanded and has extra gear, checking with ConCom’s about interest
    2. AnimeIowa used Shopify, Katie Ewalt explained. It’s shopfront for selling items, collect the money, send item to buyer and profit to seller with no upfront cost to seller. Will be configured to support all three conventions.
    3. Alvadore Cram and Tasha Cinders discussed being added to the 2022 bid for AnimeIowa, 2022 AI concom is OK with it. Mindbridge has no concerns about it.
    4. Katie Ewalt asked to be a Mindbridge member, approved.
    5. Ilissa McClelland asked to be a Mindbridge member, approved.

Next Meeting: Wednesday, September 1, 2021 at 7 PM online using Zoom, link will be emailed a week before the meeting