Mindbridge minutes Wednesday 1 November 2006
- Call to order at 6:06 pm.
- Introductions of various and sundry.
- Minutes: Cath makes lame excuses.
- Treasury Report: Jon gives me the following
- Checking: $9,169.97
- AnimeIowa: $34,951.39
- Icon: $6,225.46
- Gamicon: $2054.84
- Icon Report
- Final Numbers after everything: $3000 profit
- 1 week left to get receipts to the con comm before the books close.
- Gamicon Report
- Meeting on Saturday.
- Hammered out Fantasy Flight and Andy Hopp details.
- Twenty-four hour gaming room this year!
- November 19 GM Party at Critical Hits, Coralville, 10am-until they kick us out.
- Registration will be available then, as will GM sign up. RPGA games. Some board games too.
- Gaming Library
- Steve gave out Gamicon fliers to a Marion Gaming group. Also hitting other gaming venues in the Cedar Rapids area. The area has been well peppered.
- AnimeIowa Report
- AI Staff Meeting schedule has been set for the year.
- August 10-12 is the next AI.
- PrePlanning Committee Report
- Working on getting Steve Jackson for Gamicon Rho
- Other Projects
- Lots of games ran at Icon from the game library.
- Old Business
- Refund Policy
- New Improved version which was voted in WILL BE POSTED on the website before our next meeting.
- New Improved by laws WILL BE POSTED on the website before the website our next meeting
- Both will be at the Mindbridge Group and Mindbridge.org
- Board Members
- New Board Members are Bryon Stump and Steve Tait.
- Mailbox key goes to Brian Womachka. Brian also has storage locker key.
- Catherine has to pick up huge box o’ Mindbridge stuff.
- Iowa.com ads for conventions are going well.
- Nigel wants alcoholics to come to his house. No, really, he needs people to take old Icon liquor.
- Mindbridge DVD player: Steve Tait has it.
- Refund Policy
- New Business
- Icon
- Some discussion about Icon bids.
- One group is looking for Fall, 2007.
- Interim Icon, March, 2008 is also a possibility. Only 18 months between cons that way.
- Then return to Fall, 2009.
- Discussion of moving the con to the spring because of the
- Nothing yet to come to Mindbridge as a proposal.
- One Day Fan Fest
- Tabled until Dan Wojcik is at the meeting.
- Marty reminds us of a similar event SWAMP had several years ago Dealer’s room? 12-6?
- Advertise mostly around campus, get students and Iowa Citians.
- World Wide D&D Day at Critical Hits. If you are an old school D&D player, come on down! Official game starts at noon, although things will probably begin at ten(ish).
- Mindbridge Meeting at November 19th GM party
- Jon makes the motion; Steve seconds.
- Discussion: Henry–what will we do there?
- Jon: We can tell them what we do.
- Steve: It’s a membership meeting for those who want another meetin
- Pro: 9 | Nay: 0 | Abstain: 1
- At large Board Member expires. December 6th nominations. January meeting is vote.
- Nominations Now: Laura Thomas.
- New place to meet
- Library?: Christine Cromwell will reserve January 3, 2007, at the library.
- December 6th Meeting at Denny’s at 7 due to Mill kaputing on us. (Darned fire code).
- Steve: Icon group hopes to have a proposal in for December. Send it to board and we’ll look at it, says Brian.
- Icon
- Meeting adjourned at 6:47 pm.
Action Note:
- Steve Tait needs to hear from AnimeIowa about what they want on Iowa.com for an ad.
- Central board address: Mark to Laura.