Mindbridge minutes Wednesday 6 December 2006
- Call to Order
- Minutes from the December 3rd Board Meeting were not read, but they have been posted on the Mindbridge list and on the web site.
- Treasurer’s Report
- Checking: $8648.29
- AnimeIowa: $33,736.39
- ICON: $4,673.83
- Gamicon: $743.75
- Gamicon Report
- GM party went well, but a few less GMs signed up than in past years. Anyone want to run a game at Gamicon?
- Mailer should be coming soon.
- Contact Jon or Michelle M. if interested in running a game at Gamicon.
- AnimeIowa Report
- Meeting this Saturday, Dec. 9th at the Coralville Convention Center at 2:00 pm
- Preplanning Committee Report
- The committee is currently working on guests for the next Gamicon.
- Other Projects
- Game Library Group needs to have a meeting. They are currently looking into a time and location.
- Old Business
- The new Mindbridge Refund Policy has been posted.
- The tech group reports that they have purchased a new laptop computer for registration of Mindbridge events. They got a great deal. The membership also authorized funds for the purchase of a second laptop for Mindbridge treasury. $1000 was allocated this purchase and for printers and other accessories.
- Nominations for the Mindbridge Board Member at Large were accepted.
- Laura T.
- Denny L.
- We are looking into hiring a tax professional to handle Mindbridge finances.
- New Iowa City Meeting Location. Since the Mill can no longer offer us a meeting space for our monthly meetings, we will be moving to the Iowa City Public Library for the January meeting. Meeting times remain the same.
- New Business
- Discussed changing Mindbridge Bylaws to allow our at Large Board member to on committees and Con Coms.
- Greg P. petitioned for Mindbridge membership and was accepted.
- There was some discussion of moving our fiscal year from (Nov 1 to Oct 31) to (Jan 1 to Dec 31). Further discussion once we have an accountant.
- Greg P. presented a bid for ICON to be held the first weekend in Nov of 2007. A budget and staffing list was presented. There will be a vote on this proposal at the January Mindbridge membership meeting.
- The proposal for the 1 Day Fan Fest was tabled until Dan W. is able to make his presentation.
- 5 Sullivan Brothers Convention Center in Waterloo has contacted us in regards to hosting Mindbridge events. The preplanning committee may want to investigate this option.
- A suggestion of a January Holiday Mindbridge Party was put forth. Funds are already allocated for such an event. As an alternative, it was suggested that the money might be donated to charity during this holiday season.
- Meeting Adjourned
- Next Meeting Wednesday, January 3rd at the Iowa City Public Library