Mindbridge minutes Wednesday, 3 May 2006

  • The meeting was held in Iowa City at 6:00 pm, at The Mill
  • The meeting was called to order by Catherine Schaff-Stump
  • Treasures report by Jon Maakestad
    • checking account balance: $9,772.30
    • AnimeIowa account balance: $23,164.00
    • ICON account balance: $1,215.80
    • Gamicon account balance: $1,915.74
    • This is actually short a bit, because there is money sitting in Paypal.
  • The minutes from last time were not read by Christine Cromwell, people may read them on the Mindbridge website
  • AnimeIowa report
    • The next meeting will be May 13, 2006, Jon Maakestad said, he also said to have your mother sign up for the masquerade.
    • still completing the contract, we are penciled in at the Paramount in Cedar Rapids (for the masquerade)
    • the convention will be at the Crown Plaza, two blocks from the Paramount
    • Heidi Henson, the logistics person for AnimeIowa, visited the meeting
  • Icon report
    • Josh Elliot said the dealers mailing will be going out in a few weeks
    • Lindsay Jones said things were going well
  • Gamicon report
    • Brian Womachka said the general meeting was held last week
    • they have a flyer ready
    • there is an online panel discussion, a 24 hour gaming room, the survival pack will be back
  • Pre-Planning Committee report
    • Dan Wojcik and James Osvald will be meeting with the Marriott for Icon 32, 2007
    • The proposal has been given to the board
    • They are thinking of holding AnimaIowa 2007 at the Coralville Convention Center, the Convention Center will have a bid for us next month, it will open August 2006
  • Costume Con 24 will be the last weekend in May at Hotel Fort Des Moines
  • Art Show Policy Vote
    • discussion continues regarding copyright issues
    • Bryan Stump said if the art is a parody, and not to make money, but is challenged in court, it usually goes to the ones with the most money, judges have been awarding $150,000 per item
    • Cath Schaff-Stump said the best place for protection is a change of medium, paint pictures of B5 characters, the Andy Warhol effect, if get permission it is okay
    • the Con can display but not sell
    • a vote was held for the art policy: 13 approved, 0 opposed, 2 Joshes (abstained)
    • the art policy will go into effect January 2007
  • Storage locker inventory
    • Marty Milder would like to inventory the storage locker Saturday, May 20 at noon
    • the rain date will be Sunday, May 21, 2006
    • the storage locker is located at the Penn Street Mini Storage, #21 (take exit 4 off I-380 and go east about 1.4 miles, Penn Street Mini Storage is on the left/north side of W Penn Street, 1020 Penn St, North Liberty, IA)
    • we will remove the totes, rearrange
  • Update on personnel issues: Pending board meeting
    • the board will be discussing the following issues:
      • personnel issues
      • board member rotation will be considered, some members are permanent with no end to the position
      • board member to replace Josh Hammel
      • advertising team
      • pre-planning members for con
  • June 2006 meeting
    • Cath Schaff-Stump will be in Russian, congratulations to a new Fulbright Scholar
    • Brian Womachka will run the June meeting
    • the June 2006 meeting will be held at The Mill at 6:00
  • July 2006 meeting
    • there was discussion about the July meeting which is suppose to be in Cedar Rapids or North Liberty
    • originally we were going to alternate between Cedar Rapids (CR Public Library or Denny Lynch’s house) and North Liberty (Pizza Ranch on Dubuque St) every three months
    • some people thought North Liberty was not central enough and that the meeting should be in Cedar Rapids
    • some one suggested having a cook out at Denny Lynch’s house
    • Christine Cromwell will contact Denny to see if we can do this and what he would require of us
  • Bids for AnimeIowa 2007
    • Dan Wojcik is ready to accept bids for AnimeIowa 2007
    • a statement will be added that by attending AnimeIowa, a person gives permission to have their pictures used
    • Tracie Michlin said that we should give everyone an out in case they didn’t want their picture used
    • Jon Maakestad will post three refund policies options for us to look at and consider for con membership
  • meeting was adjourned