Mindbridge minutes Wednesday, April 5, 2006

  • The meeting was held in Cedar Rapids at 7:00 pm, in the home of Denny Lynch
  • The meeting was called to order by Catherine Schaff-Stump
  • Treasures report, supplied by Jon Maakestad, was read by Christine Cromwell.
    • checking account balance: $9,622.30
    • AnimeIowa account balance: $18,507.00
    • ICON account balance: $695.80
  • Gamicon report and bid vote
    • there is only one bid to vote on
    • Catherine Schaff-Stump asked if the goal will be to increase attendance or to maintain the status quo
    • Steve Tait said he was interested in advertising, like writing to gamers magazines
    • Fred Coverdill asked what we do outside of a postcard flyer for advertising
    • John Frick said they were planning to send out postcards, flyers, and a second postcard
    • Brian Womachka and Steve will help with advertising
    • Catherine asked Brian if there was anything else
    • Brian said the budget was balanced, they should make $100 profit, and have an attendance goal of 266
    • Steve asked if we had weather insurance
    • Cath said not, just insurance for terrible things like injuries
    • Brian added, or hotel cancelations
    • Cath held the vote, there were 10 votes and 4 proxies approving the Gamicon bid, no opposed, and no Joshes
    • a question was asked if we knew the guest of honor
    • Brian said they were waiting until it was official
    • Denny Lynch suggested inviting Miyazaki
  • ICON report by John Frick
    • John Frick said the contracts are signed for the artist and guest of honor
    • registrations are being sold
    • there is a positive bank balance
    • things are coming along well
    • Jennifer Todd asked where information will be posted
    • John said on the ICON list (on the ICON Yahoo group)
  • Preplanning Committee report by Catherine Schaff-Stump
    • ICON:
      • there is a bid with the Clarion, with Zazaa, the Clarion is under new management
      • Shannon Finnegan was to send an ICON bid for 2007 to Michele and Jon this week
    • AnimeIowa:
      • Laura Thomas replaces Ryan Hammel for AnimeIowa Preplanning
      • Steve Tait asked about the absent member policy
      • Cath said the board can decide to waive the normal attendance
      • John Frick would like to volunteer to sit in on meeting for ICON to learn how to run cons
      • Cath reminded everyone that AnimeIowa does have a continuity, and there are about 350 people who attend ICON from which to draw new people, but there is a “graying of cons” taking place all over
      • Fred Coverdill suggested contacting high school students
      • Cath still thinks the current base is the best place to draw from
      • John said it would be good to get better guests
      • Cath said it would be good to build towards this goal
      • Marty Milder said better guests cost more money, with a limited budget can we do this?
      • Cath said we need to ask ICON attendees, we need a poll to see what they want more, to see a guest or to hang out with their buddies
      • Steve said, rather than a guest, ICON 13 had a guest fandom, 25-30 people said they never knew there was a SciFi Convention in Iowa City
      • Brian said Critical Hits Games in Coralville had never heard of Gamicon
  • Old business – Art Show and copyright policy
    • Cath said we will vote on it next month (May meeting) The policy goal is to make up legal
    • both Denny Lynch and Jenny Todd talked bout parody art being sold at ICON
    • Bryan Stump said it is not legal, for example, Miyazaki is now with Disney
    • Steve Tait asked about selling mass produced, used art
    • Cath said it isn’t allowed, that is more of an auction item
    • enny said the movie industry want to eliminate videos, DVDs, CDs, and sheet music, from second hand sales
    • Jenny asked about the Dealers Room
    • Cath said the Dealers Room has not been addressed yet, it will need a separate policy
    • Marty Milder asked about the scenario that someone, in exchange for art, agrees to donate a sizable amount to a charity
    • Cath said to let her know if there are any more issues and it will be put on the agenda for next month
    • the reason for the policy is that both AnimeIowa and ICON get a cut from the art show
  • Old business – storage locker inventory
    • Marty Milder will set a time in early May to take an inventory
  • New business – personnel issues
    • 1we will need a new treasurer within a year, March 2007, the books and receipts are organized well
    • Christine Cromwell said she prefers being a treasurer over a secretary, that is usually what she has been in past organizations, and she holds a Certificate in Accounting from Northwestern University
    • Fred Coverdill said his father, Fred Coverdill Sr, would be willing and able to be the treasurer, Fred talked to his father on his cell phone
    • Steve Tait, lives in Springville (about an hour from Iowa City), but he would be willing to help
    • Cath thinks it would be easier to find a secretary than to find a treasurer
    • 2we will also need a database manager
    • the registration system is dreadful
    • John Frick asked if we need a database vs. access – John has done database but cannot volunteer for management due to his current job
    • Cath said the board needs to look at the issue
    • Cath said Josh Goldsborough also is good
    • Brian Womachka said Jeff Strauss (a Con com member) might be interested
    • Marty Milder said we need to create a document about what exactly is the needed from a database
  • New business – board member terms
    • Ryan Hammel is being replaced as a board member
    • the term is up in October 2006
    • the floor is open for nominations, write or call the board with names
  • New business – board structure
    • currently there are two permanent board members with no number of years given for their terms; two board member positions with 2-year terms who can serve on Con Coms; and one 1-year term board member
    • originally the Mindbridge vision guided the group, now the group itself, the members, guide the vision
    • one suggestion is to have five board members with staggered terms, such as 3-year terms
    • Jenny Todd likes the 1-year rotating term, it is useful
    • John Frick thinks 3-years is excessive, go to 2-year terms
    • Steve Tait thought the permanent board member names were used so that the same names would go on the tax forms each year
    • John said we could have one name repeat from the previous tax year, each time
    • the board will continue discussing this issue/li>
  • Tammy Siler Jones to read in North Liberty
    • Tamara Siler Jones will be reading and signing at the North Liberty Library on Thursday, April 6, 2006, at 7:00 pm.
  • the May 3, 2006 meeting will be in Iowa City at The Mill