Mindbridge Meeting Minutes Wednesday, Jan 6, 2021 at 7 PM online

  1. Call to Order
  2. Minutes – reading waived
  3. Treasurer’s Report: down about $1k from last month.
  4. Convention Reports
    1. Gamicon
      1. Virtual GM party noon Sunday Jan 10 on Discord
      2. Next staff meeting Sunday Jan 10, 6 pm, online using Discord
      3. Accepting programming, GM’s, deadline for event submission Jan 15th
      4. Pre-recorded game demos OK
      5. Convention will be Online, free, February 27-28, 2021, registration is open
    2. AnimeIowa
      1. Next staff meeting 2 pm Sat Jan 9 online
      2. Looking for programming head
      3. Convention will be July 30-Aug 1, 2021, Coralville Marriott
    3. ICON
      1. Staff meeting will be 10 AM Sat Jan 9 2021
      2. Convention will be Oct 15-17, 2021, Cedar Rapids Marriott
  5. Other Projects
    1. Game Library – nothing new to report
    2. Book Group: Monday Jan 18, 6 pm, online, A Deadly Education by Naomi Novik
    3. Video Game Library
      1. With the Mindbridge fiscal year coming to a close, would there be interest by Mindbridge and/or the Board for us to submit a capital expenditure for either a PS5 or XBox Series X? Board asked it be tabled until the next fiscal year.
      2. Draft of information for website and rental prices has been prepared. Feedback would be appreciated. See attached pdf VGL Draft_ For publication on Mindbridge Website 2021-01-06
  6. Old Business
    1. Moved to accept Mindbridge Technology Asset Usage Policy,
    2. Mindbridge Virtual Asset Usage Policy. Approved
  7. New Business
    1. Need IT Officer for each convention and a Mindbridge IT Officer. If you’re interested in being the Mindbridge IT officer come to the February meeting.
    2. Gamicon Gallium (Feb 25-27, 2022) bid. Tim R., Amanda Bowersox, Sean Howard. Budget Proposal.

Next Meeting: Wednesday, February 3, 2021 online