August 2020 Minutes

Mindbridge Meeting Minutes 7 PM Wednesday August 5, 2020 online

  1. Call to Order
  2. Minutes – reading waived
    Treasurer’s Report down about $1.7k from last month
  3. Convention Reports
    1. AnimeIowa
      1. Virtual event last weekend, went fairly well, attendees reception was positive
      2. About 475 people
      3. Things learned: make sure everyone is getting email OK
      4. No major incidents over the weekend
      5. Set up bots to catch spam on discord
      6. Guest panels had best attendance
      7. looking at integrating some of the virtual into the physical con
      8. Got 9 pre-regs for next year
      9. Sold 45 T-shirts so far
      10. Post Mortem meeting Sep 19, 2 pm, online
    2. ICON
      1. Pamela, Brian, Adam, Betsy, Tony, and John Frick would like to put in a proposal for a Virtual ICON for this October.
      2. Permission to start ICON discord channel, permission to update ICON FB
      3. Want to see if Wylde Nept would do online concert, possibly funded by GoFundMe
      4. Robin offered to oversee T-shirt orders
      5. Moved and Seconded to approve bid to run virtual ICON; Passed
      6. Several Gamicon staffers are interested in doing virtual gaming with virtual ICON
    3. Gamicon
      1. Put up poll for staff for their requirements to be comfortable with Gamicon in person
      2. Next meeting Aug 23rd, 6 pm, on Discord
      3. Working on an online doc on running virtual gaming conventions, asking for input
      4. Gencon did nice online page for events, dealers, etc at
  4. Other Projects
    1. Game Library: no updates
    2. Book Group: Monday August 24 at 6 PM, online, The Testaments by Margaret Atwood.
    3. Video Game Library (Adam) – going to try video game library virtual presentations
  5. Old Business: none
  6. New Business
    1. ICON 46 (2021) bid proposal, adding contingency plan for virtual con just in case. Will be discussed at the September meeting and voted on at the October meeting.
    2. Suggestion that future bids for conventions include contingency plan for a virtual con just in case
    3. New Member requests: Pamela Webster, Tom Webster, Ange & Brian Anderson – all approved.

Next Meeting: Wednesday, September 2nd, 2020 on Zoom