Mindbridge Meeting Minutes 7 PM Wednesday August 5, 2020 online
- Call to Order
- Minutes – reading waived
Treasurer’s Report down about $1.7k from last month - Convention Reports
- AnimeIowa
- Virtual event last weekend, went fairly well, attendees reception was positive
- About 475 people
- Things learned: make sure everyone is getting email OK
- No major incidents over the weekend
- Set up bots to catch spam on discord
- Guest panels had best attendance
- looking at integrating some of the virtual into the physical con
- Got 9 pre-regs for next year
- Sold 45 T-shirts so far
- Post Mortem meeting Sep 19, 2 pm, online
- Pamela, Brian, Adam, Betsy, Tony, and John Frick would like to put in a proposal for a Virtual ICON for this October.
- Permission to start ICON discord channel, permission to update ICON FB
- Want to see if Wylde Nept would do online concert, possibly funded by GoFundMe
- Robin offered to oversee T-shirt orders
- Moved and Seconded to approve bid to run virtual ICON; Passed
- Several Gamicon staffers are interested in doing virtual gaming with virtual ICON
- Gamicon
- Put up poll for staff for their requirements to be comfortable with Gamicon in person
- Next meeting Aug 23rd, 6 pm, on Discord
- Working on an online doc on running virtual gaming conventions, asking for input
- Gencon did nice online page for events, dealers, etc at https://www.gencon.com/looking-glass
- AnimeIowa
- Other Projects
- Game Library: no updates
- Book Group: Monday August 24 at 6 PM, online, The Testaments by Margaret Atwood.
- Video Game Library (Adam) – going to try video game library virtual presentations
- Old Business: none
- New Business
- ICON 46 (2021) bid proposal, adding contingency plan for virtual con just in case. Will be discussed at the September meeting and voted on at the October meeting.
- Suggestion that future bids for conventions include contingency plan for a virtual con just in case
- New Member requests: Pamela Webster, Tom Webster, Ange & Brian Anderson – all approved.
Next Meeting: Wednesday, September 2nd, 2020 on Zoom