Come play games at Con of Champions!

Tabletop.Events is the software that runs Gamicon and hundreds of your favorite tabletop game conventions, and it is in trouble, and they need you to be their champions. The pandemic has shut down all conventions for the past month, and the near future, so that means all of their revenue has dried up. But what’s worse is that all the canceled conventions meant that as they refunded fees, their bank account was drained of all past profits as well.

They had announced that we were going to shut down on May 1, but the community has stated loudly and clearly that they do not want them to shut down and that they should run this crowdfunding campaign to help keep them going during the pandemic.

They were profitable and self-funding before the pandemic hit. They just couldn’t have predicted that all conventions everywhere would suddenly come to a stop all at once.


Running with just a skeleton crew (a part-time support person to answer questions and a part-time programmer to fix bugs), plus keep all the servers alive costs Tabletop.Events about $7,000 per month. So for each $225 raised, that keeps Tabletop.Events alive for 1 more day.

All money raised will go only toward keeping Tabletop.Events alive. If conventions start coming back by the end of 2020 then that means they’ll need $56,000. If they don’t get that much money then they’ll stay alive for as much money as they do raise and also seek additional help via other means, but it will give them the time to seek that help. If they raise more money than they need, then they ‘ll put that money toward features the community have all been asking for, which will also help secure their future at the same time. None of that money will be considered profit, and none of it will go to the owners of Tabletop.Events .


You can help in these ways:

  1. Buy a badge to this virtual convention
  2. Volunteer to run an event at this virtual convention
  3. Sponsor a perk for this virtual convention
  4. Promote this virtual convention to your followers