1. Treasurer’s Report (Jon)
    1. Down $1,300, because bills were paid
    2. Budget Fiscal year 2024 passed with no tears.
    3. Final Budgets for Cons (Required)
      1. need to be done 60 days after event is done
        1. All bills paid
        2. All books done
        3. Books shared with Treasurer of Mindbridge and Board of Directors
  2. IT Officer (Tony)
    1. Laptops distributed at Gamicon
    2. Adobe Express (Adobe Lite)- Used if needed to print Canva type products. Cloud Based. $120/year (Tony will look into it)
    3. Laptops to delivered to Tank at AnimeIowa Meeting
  3. Storage Manager (Pat)
    1. No updates at this time.
    2. Looking at shelving and Storage place in Tifton
  4. Convention Reports-All conventions are looking for additional help.
    1. AnimeIowa (July 26th – 28th, 2024)
      1. Staff Meeting Sat April 13th at the Hyatt in Coralville 2-4pm, online and in person.
        1. Book/manga swap at the meeting
        2. Locker inventory after the Meeting
          1. If attending the ICON meeting any requests for inventory please email those to Lost
      2. Hotel all sold out
      3. Bid for 2025 needs to be submitted by May
      4. If interested in volunteering, staff or have other questions contact: execs@animeiowa.com
    2. ICON (Oct 18-20th, 2024)
      1. Staff Meeting Sat April 13th at the Hyatt in Coralville 4-5pm, online and in person.
      2. Tony is now administration for Website
      3. Pre-Reg is open now. Here
      4. Wylde Nept is back for this Convention
      5. Looking at John Scalzi for Guest of Honor for ICON50
      6. Adam B. joined ConCom
      7. Bid for 2025 needs to be submitted by August
      8. If interested in staff or have other questions contact: concom@iowa-icon.com
      9. If interested in Volunteering contact: volunteering@iowa-icon.com
    3. Gamicon (Feb 28-March 2nd, 2025)
      1. Post Mortem Staff Meeting is Saturday April 14th at Tim’s House at 271 Wiley Blvd NW Cedar Rapids, IA and online (Gamicon Discord) at 6:30pm
      2. Over $5K profit made at Gamicon
      3. If interested in volunteering, staff or have other questions contact: info@gamicon.org
  5. Other Projects
    1. Game Library
      1. Game Audit -Sat June 1st 10am till done at the ARC Lunch will be provided.
      2. Local Gaming Conventions:
        1. Sat April 6th EICC Eastern Iowa Convention in Davenport 10am- 4pm
        2. Sat April 6th RodCon at UNI in Cedar Falls
    2. Video Game Library
      1. Game Library Audit: Sunday April 14th at the ARC at 11am. Meet at the locker at 10:30am.
      2. Auction Starting April 6th on Mindbridge Discord: Video Game Library Channel Link Here
      3. Need assistance with running Video Game Library please contact Adam
    3. TrekFest– Steve Tait
      1. Making plan for the Fest
      2. Mama Yaya is donating her truck for the parade.
      3. June 27-29th Website Here
      4. If interested please contact Steve at stevenkeithtait@gmail.com
    4. Book Group
      1. Thursday April 25th we will be discussing Alif the Unseen By G Willow Wilson. At Panera on Edgewood Rd in Cedar Rapids at 6pm.
      2. Thursday May 23rd will be a general discussion covering the books that we have read and those we would like to read.
    5. Anybody wanting to become Mindbridge Members: n/a
    6. Old Business: If there are any problems or questions address them to Robin from now until May 1st meeting Email mindbridge-bod@googlegroups.com
    7. New Business
      1. Charity Donation match from Mindbridge per Convention (up to $100): Each Convention must request from the Mindbridge Treasurer
      2. Scottish Rite: GameDay in Cedar Rapids 9am-7pm on April 20th, 616 A Ave NE, Cedar Rapids, IA 52401
      3. Mindbridge Membership Meeting: Saturday May 18th at Noon at the Penticoff House in 6914 Amhurst Dr SW, Cedar Rapids.
        1. Sandwiches, Chips, Drinks, and Desserts will be provided.
        2. Games will be there (ie. Bags, large Jenga, ect.)
        3. Board Member Position (Tony’s) will be voted on
      4. Recommended Movies
        1. Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire
        2. Ghostbusters Frozen Empire

Next meeting will be Wed May 1st @ 7pm online and at the Penticoff house 6914 Amhurst Dr Cedar Rapids, IA

Mindbridge Meeting Minutes Nov 2nd, 2022

  1. Call to Order
  2. Minutes-waved
  3. Treasurer’s Report (Jon): Up $11,857 ICON still has bills to pay
  4. IT Officer (Adam): Tony is taking over as IT manager
  5. Storage Manager (Pat): n/a
  6. Convention Reports
    1. Gamicon (Next Gamicon Feb 24-26, 2023)
      1. Nov 20th 6:30 pm on Discord
      2. Looking for more events
      3. Updating covid policy
    2. AnimeIowa (July 28-30, 2023)
      1. Next Meeting Sat Nov 5th meeting 2pm meeting Hyatt hotel and online
      2. Going over project leads, Looking for:
        1. Scheduling Lead
        2. Tech lead
        3. Paneling project lead
        4. Reg project lead
        5. Logistic lead
        6. Events lead
        7. Room party lead
        8. Environmental enhancement lead
    3. ICON (Oct 14-16, 2022)
      1. Post mortem in Dec Sat 10th Time TBD
      2. We had 354 people total at the convention
      3. Looking for volunteers and leads
  7. Other Projects
    1. Game Library (Michele)
      1. Inventory was done at ICON
      2. New game was donated
      3. Game Demo of the Spill 12-5pm Sun 13 at Game City
    2. Video Game Library (Adam)
      1. Looking for more people to help brainstorm and help support
      2. Survey was done: An arcade game cabinet had lots of interest
    3. Book Group: Time:TBD The Rapture of the Nerds by Cory Doctorow, Online, please talk to Cath or Michele for link if needed
  8. Old Business
    1. Recommending changing the name to the Mindbridge meeting at Conventions to “Learn about our Local Cons” (Mindbridge)
      1. One member from each concom should attend
      2. Less formal more than normal status meeting, more show-and-tell
    2. Movie Night Group outing
      1. Black Panther comes out in Nov 11th
      2. Jon’s birthday is Friday
        1. Dinner 6-7pm
        2. Movie at 8pm
        3. If interested contact Jon and Michele if interested
    3. Mindbridge Discord for meetings
      1. Pro-Keeps the chats
      2. Con-Can’t keep track of who is up next and no ability to raise hands
      3. Tony would be interested in running – will set up server before December
      4. Tony will do more research and come back in December with findings to determine meeting source – December’s meeting will still be on Zoom
  9. New Business
    1. If there are any problems or questions address them to Amanda B. from now until Dec 7th meeting
    2. Review and discuss the Mindbridge Harassment Policy
    3. Tony is interested in taking over for Adam for IT Lead
      1. Vote is approved
    4. Sun Nov 20 9am at the storage locker to look at and assess the storage shelves.
  10. Next Meeting: Wednesday Dec 7th at 6pm online via Zoom.
  1. Call to Order
  2. Minutes-waved
  3. Treasurer’s Report (Jon): much
  4. IT Officer (Adam): n/a
  5. Storage Manager (Pat): n/a
  6. Convention Reports
    1. ICON (Oct 14-16, 2022)
      1. Post mortem in November
      2. Happening Now
      3. Great feedback
    2. Gamicon (Next Gamicon Feb 24-26, 2023)
      1. Oct 23rd at 6pm on Discord
      2. Working on
        1. Covid policy
        2. Layout
      3. Inventory happening durning ICON
    3. AnimeIowa (July 28-30, 2023)
      1. Next Meeting Nov 5th hybrid meeting
      2. Doing well
      3. Working on getting staff together
      4. Oct 31st project lead deadline
  7. Other Projects
    1. Game Library (Amanda)
      1. Sm amount of checkouts, but the room was well used.
      2. Inventory happening at ICON
    2. Video Game Library (Adam): Games found after AI gained two new games
    3. Book Group: Time: Unnatural Magic by C.M. Wagner: Online, please talk to Cath or Michele for link if needed
  8. Old Business
    1. Team Gamicon is running an Extra Life event the week after ICON.
      1. What: Free event with great games, costume contest and prizes! All money raised will go to UI Stead Family Children’s Hospital.
      2. Where: Grace Community Church, North Liberty
      3. When: Oct 22, 10 AM – 4 PM
    2. Expect new Google meeting invites for future meetings.
  9. New Business
    1. Recommending changing the name to the Mindbridge meeting at Conventions to Learn about local Cons (Mindbridge)
    2. Movie Night Request
      1. Black Adam Comes out Oct 21st
      2. Black Panther comes out in Nov
    3. Shopping cart functions used for registration for ICON
    4. Mindbridge Discord: Keeps the chats
    5. If there are any problems or questions address them to Sheril from now until Nov 2 meeting
  10. Next Meeting: Wednesday Nov 2 at 6pm online.

Mindbridge Meeting Minutes Wednesday June 3, 2020 7 PM via Zoom

  1. Call to Order
  2. Minutes – reading waived
  3. Treasurer’s Report – down about $1k from last month. Jon’s hat kept flashing the group.
  4. Convention Reports (more…)