March 2020 Minutes

Mindbridge Meeting of Wednesday March 4, 2020 at ARC of Southeast Iowa

  1. Call to Order.
  2. Minutes – posted online, reading waived.
  3. Treasurer’s Report – Up from last month at least until Gamicon bills paid
  4. Convention Reports
    1. Gamicon
      1. 654 attendees including 53 sponsors! Largest Gamicon ever!!!
      2. Next meeting planned for 6 pm on Sunday March 29th at China Garden in North Liberty
      3. T-shirt & hoodie sales were $995
      4. Auction went great.
      5. 122 pre-registrations for next year already
      6. Next meeting planned for 6 pm on Sunday March 29th at China Garden in North Liberty
    2. AnimeIowa
      1. Senior staff meeting was Tuesday March 3rd
      2. Next meeting 2 pm Saturday March 14 at Coralville Marriott
    3. ICON – October 9-11, 2020
      1. Web site is moved to same server as
      2. No March meeting.
      3. Meeting Saturday April 11th at 1 PM, Coralville Library
  5. Other Projects
    1. Game Library – Thursday March 6, 6 pm, The Hobby Corner Iowa City. Toy Story Obstacles & Adventures Deck Build.
      1. Gamicon had 544 checkouts – 188 game library, 336 play to win.
      2. At Coralville Library for game day again on Saturday March 7, 9:30am-4:30pm
      3. At Geek City in North Liberty on Sunday March 8, noon-5pm
    2. Book Group – Monday March 16th, 6 pm, Panera South Side CR. Santa Olivia by Jacqueline Carey.
    3. Video Game Library – lots of usage at Gamicon especially older consoles. Almost 170 checkouts.
  6. Old Business
    1. Mindbridge points enter and redeem google forms have been moved from to the MB web site. To access them hover/click on By-Laws and select Mindbridge Points.
    2. Mindbridge Annual Treasurer Retreat will be at 1 pm on Saturday March 28th at John Johnson, this is for Mindbridge Board and Convention Treasurers to finalize Mindbridge budget for April 2020 – March 2021.
    3. Where to meet for CR dates? Penticoff’s for even numbered months OK’ed by all.
  7. New Business
    1. Moved to approve up to $320 for Flight Sticks for Artemis, etc. Passed.
    2. Electronic Audit month before cons: Con departments tell their electronic needs at same time (laptops, electronic devices, AV, cords, etc)
    3. Chris Dye asked to be a Mindbridge member. Passed.
    4. AI 2021 revised bid – discussed, passed.
    5. Lawyer – Adam will report back at April meeting.
    6. Something fun to do together (Movie, spring outing, etc)

Next Meeting: Wednesday, April 1st, 2020 at Penticoffs, 7 PM at Tony and Jess Penticoff’s, 6914 Amhurst Dr SW, Cedar Rapids, IA 52404 will be a virtual meeting using Zoom.