Mindbridge Meeting Minutes Wednesday, February 6, 2019 at The Hobby Corner

  1. Call to Order
  2. Minutes – Posted online, reading waived
  3. Treasurer’s Report – more money than last month
  4. Convention Reports
    1. Gamicon
      1. Bag stuffing Sunday Feb 17th, 2 PM, Bowersox’s
      2. Almost 300 pre-regs!
      3. Thursday Feb 21: Eating at HuHot at 5 pm, then storage locker to load and on to the CR Marriott to unload
    2. AnimeIowa
      1. Room block should be open now for staff only until Feb 21 then to public
      2. Working on a couple more guests
      3. Programming, Market Place, Art Show need help
      4. Going to AnimeDetour in Minneapolis
    3. ICON
      1. Staff meeting Saturday March 2, 1:30 PM, Coralville Public Library Room A
      2. Need staff for Logistics, Volunteer, Art Show may be split into 3, Programming
  5. Other Projects
    1. Game Library
      1. KOI, Thursday Feb 7th, 5 pm, The Hobby Corner
      2. Bought ICE Cool for the game library
      3. Made $125 from game day at the Coralville Public Library
    2. Book Group: Monday Feb 11th, 6 pm, Scooter’s Coffee, Libriomancer by Jim C. Hines
    3. Video Game Library – will be ready for Gamicon
  6. Old Business
    1. AnimeIowa BID for 2020: Moved to approve, seconded and passed.
    2. Social Event – Captain Marvel, opens March 8th. When and Where. Sunday March 10th, probably afternoon showing in Cedar Rapids. Jon will create a poll for time and location
  7. New Business
    1. PA System use by Gamicon: Tim R asked about using one, it’s OK with MB, contact Fred Coverdill for assist.

Next Meeting: Wednesday March 6, 2019 at Lynch Casa in Cedar Rapids, 7 PM