February 2016 Minutes

  1. Call to order
  2. Minutes – posted online
  3. Treasurer’s Report – we have money
  4. Convention Reports
    1. Gamicon – Feb 26-28 2016 at the Iowa City Sheraton
      1. signup for games is live on website
      2. online reg ends Feb 18th; 297 games so far
      3. Pathfinder Society Saturday at Masonic temple (about 300 steps from the Sheraton)
      4. Next meeting and bag stuffing Sat Feb 20 at 2 pm, Casa Maak
      5. have 58 play to win games
      6. have tentative 2017 dates
    2. AnimeIowa – next meeting Feb 12 2pm Coralville Marriott
    3. ICON – next meeting Sat March 12 1:30 pm at Coralville Public Library; have posters on website
  5. Other Projects
    1. Game Library – The Hobby Corner Fri Feb 5 5-8pm, King of Tokyo
    2. Book group – Mon Feb 8 6 pm Coffeesmiths, The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern.
  6. Old Business
    1. Voting on Gamicon 26 Fe (2017) bid – moved, seconded and approved unanimously. Most reg rates for 2017 will go up by $5, first increase in many years.
    2. Discussion on BANning procedures – Adam will post proposal to membership list, vote on next month
  7. New Business
    1. Discussion of Gamicon Manifesto changes requested – will be posted to web, facebook and mailing list.
    2. discussion of Mindbridge Volunteer Points changes for March meeting.
    3. Current MB volunteer Points rules can be found at MBFVolunteerPointsSystem.pdf
    4. JJ will try to mock up online forms for request and redemption request forms and run by MWM and BOD.