Mindbridge Membership Meeting
- Waved at meeting minutes and Treasurer’s report was given again.
- Gamicon Manganese , AnimeIowa, & ICON: see November 2015 Board Minutes 91 people prereg for 2016.
- Game Library —The Hobby Corner, Friday, November 6th, 5-8pm, Castles of Mad King Ludwig.
- Book Group Mon. Nov. 16th 6 pm, Coffeesmith’s, Parasite by Mira Grant.
- Mindbridge Reads on GoodReads
- Drawing for prizes will happen during January meeting.
- Must be present to win and must enter books on GoodReads by end of year. If no one is present the dog will win.
- Discussed Saturday, April 2nd, 2016 as Storage Locker garage sale/throw away party.
- Extra Life 2015 November 7th The Hobby Corner (24 hour gaming marathon) charity event to UI Children’s Hospital.
- AI 2017 Bid to be voted on next meeting.
- Next meeting at the ARC of Southeast Iowa, December 2nd, 2015 6pm board and 7 pm membership