Mindbridge Board Meeting November 4th, 2015 Denny Lynch’s Home
- Treasurer’s report given (B&N check to go in ICON account)
- Convention reports
- ICON 40 — Registration was 530.
- What a success! There was attendance feedback on venue.
- David Gerrold had a great time as guest and would come back again.
- Denny is exhausted and not insane enough to be concom again for 41.
- Reg feedback needs more office supplies.
- Gamicon Manganese —Registration is ongoing.
- Next meeting is Sunday, November 29, 2015, 6:30 pm at Nigel and Susan’s home.
- Looking at extra space. Possibly Masonic Building.
- AnimeIowa — Saturday, November 7th 2pm next meeting at Coralville Marriott.
- AI 2017 Bid presented by Adam.
- AI 2016 still needs Marketplace head.
- Robin Buskirk explained and we said we would put the word out.
- ICON 40 — Registration was 530.
- Old Business
- New Business
- Tracie Michlin presented Refund Policy discussion: It was determined that the Refund Policy should be changed from complimentary membership of guests to complimentary memberships of any kind.