November 2015 Board Minutes

Mindbridge Board Meeting November 4th, 2015 Denny Lynch’s Home

  1. Treasurer’s report given (B&N check to go in ICON account)
  2. Convention reports
    1. ICON 40 — Registration was 530.
      1. What a success! There was attendance feedback on venue.
      2. David Gerrold had a great time as guest and would come back again.
      3. Denny is exhausted and not insane enough to be concom again for 41.
      4. Reg feedback needs more office supplies.
    2. Gamicon Manganese —Registration is ongoing.
      1. Next meeting is Sunday, November 29, 2015, 6:30 pm at Nigel and Susan’s home.
      2. Looking at extra space. Possibly Masonic Building.
    3. AnimeIowa — Saturday, November 7th 2pm next meeting at Coralville Marriott.
      1. AI 2017 Bid presented by Adam.
      2. AI 2016 still needs Marketplace head.
      3. Robin Buskirk explained and we said we would put the word out.
  3. Old Business
  4. New Business
    1. Tracie Michlin presented Refund Policy discussion: It was determined that the Refund Policy should be changed from complimentary membership of guests to complimentary memberships of any kind.