September 2015 Minutes

  1. Call to Order
  2. Minutes – posted online, waved.
  3. Treasurer’s Report: we have less money than last month after paying AI hotel bill
  4. Convention Reports
    1. ICON
      1. Staff meetings:
        1. Saturday Sep 12 at 1:30 pm, Denny Lynch’s home
        2. Saturday Oct 3 at 1:30 pm, Denny Lynch’s home
    2. Gamicon
      1. Staff meetings:
        1. Sunday Sep 13, 6:30 pm @ The Johnsons
        2. Sunday, October 25 at 6:30pm North Liberty Pizza Ranch, 395 Beaver Kreek Ctr, North Liberty, Iowa 52317
      2. GM emails going out around Oct 1st
      3. Michele Maakestad is looking for 2017 concom
    3. AnimeIowa
      1. Had about 3,700 attendees
      2. Staff meeting Sep 12, 2 pm at Coralville Marriott
  5. Other Projects
    1. Game Library – The Hobby Corner Fri Sep 11, 5-8 pm, Nevermore. Inventory was last Saturday, selling a bunch of older games
    2. Book Group- Monday Sep 21, 6 pm, Coffeesmiths, Spore by Tamara Siler Jones
  6. Old Business
    1. Proposal for trademarking Buu-Chan (Adam Brower) – postponed until AI wrap ups are done
    2. Incident Update and decisions (Denny and Adam). Decisions made; Denny has notified individuals effected.
    3. Harassment Policy update (Adam) – waiting for more info
  7. New Business
    1. Banning policy for Mindbridge. Adam and Jon will work on.
    2. Laptop Assignments, Want to know what each con needs laptops for:
      1. year round
      2. near con
      3. at con
      4. what software needs to be installed on the laptops
    3. Suggestion to have non-personal accounts used for convention email rather than a forwarder to personal email. i.e., mail to and from Discussed, leave to each convention.
    4. Michele Maakestad wants people to know about area gaming conventions:
      1. Tri-Con – Sept 4-7, 2015 – Sioux City, IA
      2. Xenocon – Oct. 9-11, 2015 – Davenport, IA
      3. Cedar Rapids Comic Con – Feb 6, 2016 – Cedar Rapids, IA
        1. MM would like people to help run games at CR ComicCon – contact her for information.