- Fancy (Silly) Hat Parties “Tea”
- Unbirthday Party – Alice in Wonderland
- Mad Hatter
- Date of Publication anniversary as possible date
- Dept. of Silly Hats
- Maker / Craft Party (*budget), could be at ARC of Southeast Iowa
- More weekend activities
- Wizard of OZ party at Cath & Bryon’s: 114 years old book Nov 24
- Gamicon Sponsors – maybe have more votes for New Gamicon Name
- Thoughts
- AI – Free talking GPS enabled Pikachu and cup of Espresso to each unattended child
- ICON – talking Dalek’s and cup of Espresso
- Gamicon – Customized Fuzzy Dice 7+under, hard dice 7+ and cup of Espresso
- John Johnson will help with ICON 59 to keep tradition of his being on ConCom for ICON 19 and 39.
- MB Volunteer Points were on stolen computers. Please contact Michelle with info on your points.
- ICON Treasury information was also on stolen computer.m for more information.