Minutes for December 7th Mindbridge Meeting
- Call to Order
- Minutes from November Meeting were not read, but have been posted on the Mindbridge list and web site.
- Treasurer’s Report was read.
- ICON Report
- Books not closed yet.
- All went well.
- Gamecon Report
- February 12th — 14th
- Prereg ends February 1st
- Will be in Main Lounge of Memorial Union
- AnimeIowa Report
- Staff Meeting Saturday January 9th at 2:00 PM at the Coralville Convention Center.
- Preplanning Committee Report
- Two new members were voted in, Bryon Stump and Michelle McKibben.
- Old Business
- Office Space Update — looking at a new location in Iowa City.
- Trademark for AnimeIowa is now being evaluated by the government.
- New possible project has been tabled for now QC-Anime Zing.
- Taxes are currently being done.
- Proposals for charitable donations by Mindbridge are to be presented at the next membership meeting in January.
- $6,000 grant was approved for ICON to bring guest, Corey Doctorow.
- New Business
- Sam’s Club Membership has been cancelled.
- Announcements
- Book Group will be meeting at 6:00 pm on December 21st at Coffee Talk Café. They will be discussing Outlander by Diana Gabaldon.
- Film Group will be meeting at 7:00 pm on December 18th at Shannon’s house. They will be discussing Tron and Silent Running.
- AI is looking for department heads for dealer’s room and publications.
- Meeting Adjourned
- Next Meeting: January 6th at Denny Lynch’s home at 7:00 pm.