Welcome to the latest incarnation of the Mindbridge Foundation website. We’ve just upgraded WordPress to the latest version, installed a new gallery plugin and have a new installed a new theme custom crafted for Mindbridge. A couple of quick acknowledgements:
- Thanks to NASA for everything they do and in particular for the image used to help create our new header graphic.
- Thanks to Mark Boulton for his article on designing grid systems.
- Thanks to Michael Angeles for his excellent post on designing blog theme templates from grid systems.
- Thanks to Mark James for the beautiful Silk icons.
- Thanks to Justin Tadlockes for the great tips on using custom fields in WordPress.
One quick note about a new feature with this incarnation of the site, we’re now supporting the use of both hCard and hCalendar microformats. This means if you have the Operator extension for Firefox installed and visit our home page, you can use it to export contact, event and address information (e.g. add one of our events to your calendar, including the event’s address). This wouldn’t have been possible without the custom fields tips from Justin Tadlockes mentioned above.
We hope you enjoy using our freshly upgraded site, but if you do happen to run across any problems with it, please use our contact form to let us know!
Whoops, I forgot I meant to thank Will Mayo for his wonderful tutorial on CSS speech bubbles.
Speaking of which, I’ve changed this site’s setup to allow comments by default.
If you don’t like using the Operator extension for Firefox, consider trying out Tails.