Below are the minutes from the Mindbridge meeting on 4 January 2006.
- Minutes from December 12, 2005 were read
- Tina F. is not taking minutes tonight, so Christine C. volunteered to do this
- Treasurer’s report was read:
- Checking account balance: $2,240.05
- AnimeIowa account balance: $24,381.05
- Icon account balance: $1,643.38
- Gamicon account balance: $1,542.90
- Gamicon report:
- preregistration ends January 9, 2006
- cost is $15 for GMs, $20 for players
- after January 9, 2006 the cost increases $5
- discussion was made about registering after the 9th to add to Mindbridge funds
- anyone interested in running a game needs to talk to or email Brian W. ASAP
- Michele M. had a question, “Are you having sponsorships?”
- Brian W. will post it to the Website later
- AnimeIowa had no report
- ICON 31 report:
- mailings will going out January 5, 2006 (an attractive postcard)
- the budget is conservative, and needs little revision
- Date: October 13-15, 2006
- Place: Clarion Hotel in Cedar Rapids, IA
- Author Guest: C. S. Friedman
- Artist Guest: Larry Price
- Michele M. suggested Mindbridge only pay “X” amount for transporting art as a protection for ICON 31’s budget
- Preplanning committee had no report
- Art show report
- Michele M. has read a lot of copyright information
- be careful, if something is questionable, take it out
- anime is very questionable
- anime of your own, not copying or portraying another’s work is okay, but do not use characters that belong to others
- parody art is okay, no names, check with Mike Cole who knows a lot about parody art
- Copyright issue for art work
- Catherine S. asked who could write up a copyright summation document for Mindbridge, Michele M. will do this
- we also need to make decision about what is okay to sell (be careful here) and to display (most is okay to display), profit is the main factor
- Volunteers for ad committee
- volunteers are still needed for the ad committee to help Richard H.,
- Jori said Eric Tucker was willing to help, but he was not present, information will be provided to him to get him in touch with Richard H.
- Storage locker policy
- Marty M. said “It slipped my mind.”
- Marty M. asked for comments about the policy, email them to
- we will do an inventory and cleanup of the storage locker in the spring
- requests for volunteers will be made a month in advance, probably on a Saturday with a Sunday rain date
- Meeting place reports
- Dee C. had a report on Cedar Rapids Public Library
- Christine C. had a report on Iowa City Public Library
- Michele M. said Pizza Ranch in North Liberty, Beaver Creek, has a nice room
- Henry O. asked why we were looking
- Catherine S. explained we thought about having a few meetings in Cedar Rapids, we also occasionally do not fit in the meeting room at The Mill, also we are sometimes drowned out by live music at The Mill
- Dee C. reported there is a room on the second floor of the Cedar Rapids Library, L Room, which is open territory on a first come first serve basis, we might need to share the room with another group, food and drink would be allowed but we would need to pick up after ourselves
- discussion diverted into the need for alcohol during a meeting
- Christine C. reported there are five or six rooms available in the Iowa City Library, they can be reserved one month in advance, food and drink are allowed, clean up is the groups responsibility
- Catherine S. asked for someone to check with Denny Lynch of Cedar Rapids, about the possibility of using his house, Christine C. said she would do this
- Brian W. said Merf (Medical Education Research Foundation) might be available; the question was asked if a group needed to be affiliated with the University; Brian W. will check on this
- Marty M. inquired about what time and day of the week meetings would be held in Cedar Rapids; Catherine S. said it would likely be 7:00 pm and that the Iowa City meetings could also be changed to 7:00 so SFLIS (Science Fiction League of Iowa Students) members could arrive on time since they meet at The Mill from 5:00-6:00 the same night.
- Christine C. asked how meeting places, dates and times would be announced; Catherine S. suggested the Website; Michele M. reminded everyone that the Yahoo site is for members only, so the Cedar Rapids people may not be able to find out; Michele M. will look into membership bylaws for the Cedar Rapids people who would want to become Members but only attend when Mindbridge met in Cedar Rapids
- Resignation
- Tina F. is resigning from Mindbridge
- Catherine S. reported she has received a resignation letter from Tina F. Tina is a 2-year board member and the secretary. She highly regrets this decision, but her life has become too busy
- Christine C. volunteered to be the secretary, she is already an at-large 1-year board member; three notebook binders were
- at the next meeting we will need to elect a replacement 2-year board member, Brian W. has shown interest, if anyone else is interested or if anyone knows someone interested please contact Mindbridge
- Bid for iCon 32
- Anthony H. asked if bids for ICon 32 could be submitted; Catherine S. put it on the to-do list for the next board meeting
- Membership information and flyer
- Dee C. inquired about available flyers to recruit new members
- Michele M. will bring flyers to the next meeting for Dee
- Tina F. suggested they be left at Daydreams Comics in Iowa City, and at the public library (however, the public library clears out all flyers once a month)
- Dee C. suggested leaving flyers at Rude Awakenings and other coffee shops
- Catherine S. has asked for volunteers to distribute flyers but there has been no people will to do this
- Social organized events
- Catherine S. brought up the issue again, of a Mindbridge member who is the social or cruise type person who would like to take this on or to think about it
- Scott M. said it would help to look back to the pre-Mindbridge days, before the split from SFLIS; at that time there was a base of people that kept bringing in other people
- Catherine S. suggested members could announce what social things they were doing in this month to invite others (movie nights, games, etc.)
- alternatively email list on the Website could be used to notify people of activities
- the issue of confidentially was mentioned, there are no phone number or addressed on the Website
- Tina F. reminded everyone that the Mindbridge Website is for Mindbridge business only
- Catherine S. said it could also be used for social purposes
- Michele M. is having a Pampered Chef party with a Mexican theme at her home later this month
- Mark M., who designed the Website, has set up forums, bulletin boards, the link “Mindbridge Talk” is found at the bottom of the main page
- New members
- Dee C. and Fred C. joined at this meeting
- DVD player
- Tina F. has been the keeper of Mindbridge’s DVD player; someone else will need to store it; they may also make use of it but it must be brought to all cons whether used or not