Mindbridge Meeting Minutes Wednesday, Oct 6, 2021 at 7 PM online

  1. Call to Order by Tony Penticoff
  2. John Johnson’s board seat is up for election at the SuperCom meeting in October at ICON.
  3. Minutes – reading waived
  4. Treasurer’s Report
  5. IT Officer – gathering info
  6. Convention Reports
    1. ICON (Oct 15-17, 2021)
      1. Convention is October 15-17, 2021
      2. Friday Oct 8, 7 pm final staff meeting before the convention
      3. Pre-registration is closed, hotel rooms are still available if you don’t get the ICON discount contact Jenny
      4. Meeting at the Storage locker at Quality Care to load the truck, Thu Oct 14 at 3pm, unload at the hotel about 5 pm
    2. Gamicon (Feb 25-27, 2022)
      1. Have GOH, discussed how to do spacing in rooms, will be Masks Required
      2. Next meeting Sun Nov 7th, 6 pm on discord
    3. AnimeIowa (July 22-24, 2022)
      1. Next meeting Oct 23rd, online
      2. Had post mortem, got feedback
  7. Other Projects
    1. Game Library – had meeting organizing storage tubs for subset to ICON
    2. Book Group – Oct 25, 6PM, The Unspoken Name by A. K. Larkwood, online
    3. Video Game Library – will be running reduced inventory of games at ICON
  8. Old Business
    1. Proposed amendment to bylaws: “Any contract on behalf of Mindbridge and/or a convention must be approved by the BOD before being signed if not previously covered in a convention bid.” Moved to accept, seconded and approved.
    2. Discussion of the date for Super Committee meeting where the BOD and convention Concoms will elect a board member, considering having it rotate between the three conventions, keeping the General Meeting elections unchanged. Will release text at the November meeting for voting on at the December meeting.
  9. New Business
    1. Pat McCauley is now Physical Assets Manager
    2. New board game café, Fortuna, 105 E College St, Iowa City, IA 52246, coffee shop and rents games downtown Iowa City

Next Meeting: Wednesday, November 3, 2021 at 7 PM online

ICON open MB Meeting: Saturday, October 16, 2021 at 1 pm CR Marriott Rosewood room

Super Committee meeting where the BOD and convention Concoms will elect a board member, Sat Oct 16, noon, CR Marriott Rosewood, adding virtual option this year.