Gamicon Zinc
February 27 – 28, 2021
Actually, we’re not absolutely sure of that, but 1 out of 1 conspiracy theorists say that’s the cause, so we’re going with that.
We feel extremely lucky that we were one of the only conventions to actually happen in person in 2020. And we feel kind of bad about that, so in solidarity with all the virtual conventions of 2020, we have decided to make Gamicon Zinc (February 27-28, 2021) an all virtual convention (Saturday & Sunday only). As a bonus, it helps keep all of you wonderful people safe from the super con crud that is continuing to plague our nation.
Yes, we know this is disappointing, but we have been working hard for months, going to other virtual conventions, learning all the ways to bring virtual games to you, and figuring out ways to keep our awesome community connected and informed about games. We think we can bring you a great virtual experience, and an opportunity to stay in touch with all that we love about Gamicon.
And did we mention it will be FREE? Yup. You can register online with code GamiconV2021 and your membership will be free with no fees. If you would still like to support Gamicon, there will be virtual sponsorship memberships available. If you would like to donate your 2021 membership, just let us know.
Here are some things we have in the planning stages:
Guest appearances and game offerings from around the world.
D&D Adventurer’s League
Video Gaming
Expanded exhibitor area
Panels and Reviews
Virtual gathering rooms on Discord where you can stop in and chat about game related topics with all those awesome people you haven’t seen for a long time.
What you need to know:
If you had already registered for Gamicon Zinc, your registration will automatically forward to Gamicon Gallium (February 24-27, 2022). If for some reason, this date makes you unable to attend, you may contact us at by December 15th, 2020, to see what we can do for you.
Discord Server: Join the Gamicon Discord Server!
We are looking for individuals to run panels and games, moderators for our discord server, twitch and YouTube streamers and more. Do you have a great idea for Virtual Gamicon, we’d love to hear it! We understand that for some of you, virtual gaming isn’t your cup of tea, but we hope you will register anyway, and check out what other offerings will be available.