December 2020 Minutes

Mindbridge Meeting Minutes Wednesday, Dec 2, 2020 at 7 PM

    1. Call to Order by Tony Penticoff
    2. Minutes – reading waived
    3. Treasurer’s Report: down about $300 from last month.
    4. Convention Reports
      1. Gamicon
        1. Next meeting Sunday Dec 6, 6 pm, online using Discord
        2. Accepting programming, GM’s, deadline for event submission Jan 15th
        3. Pre-recorded game demos OK
        4. Convention will be Online, free, February 27-28, 2021
      2. AnimeIowa
        1. Now using new 2021 staff list instead of 2020 list
        2. Most department heads lined up
        3. Next staff meeting Sat Dec 12 online
        4. Convention will be July 30-Aug 1, 2021, Coralville Marriott
      3. ICON
        1. Looking at adding an Internet department
        2. Concom meeting in December for planning
        3. Staff meeting will be in January 2021
        4. Convention will be Oct 15-17, 2021, Cedar Rapids Marriott
    5. Other Projects
      1. Game Library – nothing new to report
      2. Book Group: Monday Dec 14, 6 pm, online, The Elephant and Macaw Banner by Christopher Kastensmidt
      3. Video Game Library: Policies written up, will submit them in January
    6. Old Business: none
  1. New Business
    1. Mindbridge Technology Asset Usage Policy and Mindbridge Virtual Asset Usage Policy were proposed. Will be voted on at the January meeting.

Next Meeting: Wednesday, January 6, 2021 online