Mindbridge Meeting Minutes Wednesday September 2, 2020 online using Zoom
- Call to Order
- Minutes – reading waived
- Treasurer’s Report about $3k less than last month
- Convention Reports
- Online evening of Friday Oct 9, Saturday Oct 10 9 AM to Midnight ending with the Chocolate Ceremony
- Using Discord, rebroadcast to YouTube Live
- will have panels, art show, costume contest, gaming
- Could use more moderators
- Online meetings every Tuesday for planning/preparing
- Asking for other conventions & MB to share the posts/info
- Gamicon
- Waiting word from the hotel on a 2022 contract to determine our ability to get out of our 2021 contract.
- We are exploring options for a virtual convention at this time.
- Our next meeting is Sunday, September 13 at 6:00pm. We meet in the Gamicon Discord in the Staff Voice Chat. Please let us know if you wish to attend and need access.
- We will be working on what needs to be done to have a virtual Gamicon, and setting timelines. This is a critical meeting. If you are on Gamicon staff, we need you at this meeting.
- AnimeIowa
- Post Mortem meeting Sep 19th 2 pm online
- Working on updating manifesto for AI
- Manifesto Update Process
- Official process of updating – meeting with staff to discuss/approve then ask Mindbridge membership to approve.
- Who can request/stop changes: any member of Mindbridge can request change or request stop of change to a manifesto: bring to a Mindbridge meeting for discussion/vote.
- Suggest that Manifesto updates include recommendation for virtual option just in case
- Recommend concom/exec review their manifesto’s for any needed updates such as Gamicon/LARP and ICON/dance.
- Other Projects
- Game Library
- Michele attended UK Games Expo and met some lovely folks from Mleeg Board Games.
- They publish D6 Dungeon, a game not distributed in the U.S. They sent us two copies of the game for the Game Library (So that it can be played 2-4 players), and have expressed interest in doing some virtual demos at Gamicon in 2021.
- Michele is also re-starting the Game Blog on the Mindbridge Website, discussing virtual conventions and virtual gaming. Please check it out, because she is getting a complex because only one post has had one view and no-one is commenting…
- Book Group: Monday, September 21, 2020, 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm, discussing The Alchemist Who Survived Now Dreams of a Quiet City Life, Vol. 1 by Usata Nonohara
- Video Game Library:
- We are working on setting up social media for the Video Game Library, including a Facebook page and a Twitch account.
- Our current plan is to stream for about an hour on the second Monday of every month starting at 8AM.
- Our first demonstration / review will be Monday, Sept 14 @ 8AM, and will be covering Clubhouse Games (Nintendo Switch).
- Game Library
- Old Business
- ICON 46 (Oct 15-17, 2021) bid discussion “ICON 46: Seeking Further Horizons”. Will be voted on at the October 7 meeting.
- New Business: none
Next Meeting: Wednesday, October 7, 2020 at 7 PM online using Zoom