November 2019 Minutes

Mindbridge meeting Minutes Wednesday November 6, 2019 at The ARC of Southeast Iowa

  1. Call to Order
  2. Minutes – posted online, reading waived
  3. Treasurer’s report – we have more money than last month but ICON has bills to pay
  4. Convention Reports
    1. ICON
      1. 427 attendees, up from last year
      2. Pronoun ribbons very popular
      3. Need to schedule ReCap meeting
      4. About 100 pre-registrations for next year
    2. Gamicon
      1. Steven Groom artist Guest of Honor
      2. Next meeting Sunday, 6 PM Nov 17th at Old Chicago in Coralville
    3. AnimeIowa
      1. Staff meeting at Coralville Marriott, November 9, 2 pm
  5. Other Projects
    1. Game library – Horrified, Thursday Nov 7, The Hobby Corner 6:15 pm
    2. Book Group – Monday, Nov 18, 6 pm, Panera South Side, Three Parts Dead by Max Gladstone.
    3. Video Game Library
      1. Nintendo Switch was most popular
      2. working on report of what was most popular at each convention
  6. Old Business
    1. AnimeIowa 2020 Budget discussion: Two modified budgets were presented, voted to favor 1st one
  7. New Business
    1. ICON 45 (2020) discussion about both bids
      1. Lots of discussion about both bids, short talks from reps from both prospective concoms.
      2. Details of both bids have been emailed to the Mindbridge list
      3. Voting on the bids will be at the Wednesday Dec 4th meeting. Note, only members who have been to a meeting in the last three months may vote.
  8. Other Items
    1. Made $120 for Extra Life charity at ICON, total for Extra Life Team Gamicon is $1,785.30
    2. Several applied for Mindbridge membership:
      1. Betsy Casey, Lyz Edwards, Josh Langseth, Doug Brenner, Ryan Smith-Burns, Mary Cox, Denise Gehling
      2. Moved, passed to approve these new members.
    3. Geek Food Contest had several entries including Mintfinity Gauntlets, Memory Lane Tarts, PacMan’s Death, Blood Wine and Alien Eye. Mintfinity Gauntlets was the winner.

Next meeting: 7 PM, Wednesday, December 4, 2019, Willow Room (behind the bar), Cedar Rapids Marriott, 1200 Collins Rd NE, Cedar Rapids, IA 52402

No outside food please!