Mindbridge meeting Minutes Wednesday November 6, 2019 at The ARC of Southeast Iowa
- Call to Order
- Minutes – posted online, reading waived
- Treasurer’s report – we have more money than last month but ICON has bills to pay
- Convention Reports
- 427 attendees, up from last year
- Pronoun ribbons very popular
- Need to schedule ReCap meeting
- About 100 pre-registrations for next year
- Gamicon
- Steven Groom artist Guest of Honor
- Next meeting Sunday, 6 PM Nov 17th at Old Chicago in Coralville
- AnimeIowa
- Staff meeting at Coralville Marriott, November 9, 2 pm
- Other Projects
- Game library – Horrified, Thursday Nov 7, The Hobby Corner 6:15 pm
- Book Group – Monday, Nov 18, 6 pm, Panera South Side, Three Parts Dead by Max Gladstone.
- Video Game Library
- Nintendo Switch was most popular
- working on report of what was most popular at each convention
- Old Business
- AnimeIowa 2020 Budget discussion: Two modified budgets were presented, voted to favor 1st one
- New Business
- ICON 45 (2020) discussion about both bids
- Lots of discussion about both bids, short talks from reps from both prospective concoms.
- Details of both bids have been emailed to the Mindbridge list
- Voting on the bids will be at the Wednesday Dec 4th meeting. Note, only members who have been to a meeting in the last three months may vote.
- ICON 45 (2020) discussion about both bids
- Other Items
- Made $120 for Extra Life charity at ICON, total for Extra Life Team Gamicon is $1,785.30
- Several applied for Mindbridge membership:
- Betsy Casey, Lyz Edwards, Josh Langseth, Doug Brenner, Ryan Smith-Burns, Mary Cox, Denise Gehling
- Moved, passed to approve these new members.
- Geek Food Contest had several entries including Mintfinity Gauntlets, Memory Lane Tarts, PacMan’s Death, Blood Wine and Alien Eye. Mintfinity Gauntlets was the winner.
Next meeting: 7 PM, Wednesday, December 4, 2019, Willow Room (behind the bar), Cedar Rapids Marriott, 1200 Collins Rd NE, Cedar Rapids, IA 52402
No outside food please!