October 2019 Minutes

Mindbridge Minutes for Wednesday October 2, 2019, 7 PM at Hy-Vee in Cedar Rapids

  1. Call to Order
  2. Minutes – posted online, reading waived
  3. Treasurer’s Report – we have slightly less than last month
  4. Convention Reports
    1. ICON
      1. Locker audit/tagging with Minion tape (same as last year) starting at 10 AM on Saturday, October 5th. AnimeIowa will have people there also at 10 AM to help organize things from AI
      2. Last staff meeting before ICON Saturday, October 5 at 1:30 PM in room B at the Coralville Public Library
      3. Iowa City Book Festival – Doug will be there for most of Saturday with bookmarks, business cards, friendly information and a couple tubs of books with bookmarks to give away. The festival starts at 10 AM with setup available starting at 9:30 AM
    2. Gamicon
      1. Next meeting Sunday, October 6 at 6:30 pm for food, 7 pm for meeting at the North Liberty Pizza Ranch
      2. Have artist GOH, Steven Groom
    3. AnimeIowa
      1. Next meeting Saturday, October 5th, 2 pm at Coralville Marriott
      2. Revisiting budget, will be reviewing with Mindbridge board
      3. Looking at guests of honor
      4. Still have a few staff positions open including Video Game head, IT & Web
  5. Other Projects
    1. Game Library – Betrayal at the House on the Hill and Towers of Madness, 6:15 pm, Thursday, October 3, The Hobby Corner Iowa City
    2. Book Group – Monday October 7, 6 pm, Panera South Side Cedar Rapids, The City, Not Long After by Pat Murphy (ICON Author GOH)
    3. Video Game Library – will be at ICON
  6. Old Business
    1. Iowa City Book Festival – Saturday, October 5, 10am-4pm, Merge, 136 S. Dubuque St., Iowa City, setup can begin at 9:30 AM
    2. Geek Food Festival
      1. Suggestion that Adam and Michele must have one arm tied behind their backs at all times…
      2. Will be at the Wednesday, November 6 meeting, bring your Geekiest food to share and hopefully take the win away from Adam and Michele who have won a lot recently.
      3. Hint – various flavors of fudge was very popular last year
    3. MB Board opening – Victoria Hobbs is stepping down at ICON this year and we need another brave soul, nominations, election will happen at the Mindbridge Meeting at ICON, Must be present to win at the closed SuperCommittee meeting at 11 AM, Saturday November 2 at in the Waterloo room at ICON. Convention concom/exec boards and Mindbridge board vote in this election.
    4. RPG day was at Cedar Rapids Public Library last Saturday, was very popular, got at least one Gamicon pre-reg.
  7. New Business
    1. Car insurance for Guest Liaisons (Jon and John will discuss with insurance agent)

Next Meeting: Wednesday, November 6, 2019 at The ARC of Southeast Iowa, 7 PM