August 2019 Minutes

Mindbridge Minutes Aug 7, 2019 at Cedar Rapids Public Library

  1. Call to Order
  2. Minutes – posted online, reading waived
  3. Treasurer’s Report: less money than last month after paying bills
  4. Convention Reports
    1. AnimeIowa
      1. Had about 3,500 attendees who had fun
      2. AnimeIowa Trademark was renewed for another 10 years
      3. Post mortem meeting Saturday September 7th, 2 pm, IEC in Des Moines
    2. ICON
      1. Staff meeting Saturday August 24, 1:30 PM, Coralville Public Library Schwab Auditorium
      2. ICON concom wants to know the video game room at ICON is still planned for ICON and if there will be have adequate people to staff it as ICON may not have extra folks to staff it this year. If you’re not going to do it ICON can use the space for programming. Would also like Adam or a rep to be at the ICON staff meeting on Saturday August 24th at 1:30 PM in person or via skype. Adam will send John Johnson a writeup of plans and try to Skype in at the Aug 24th meeting
      3. ICON has two Artist GOH’s, Shawn Palek and Misty Palek
      4. ICON has Cosplay/Costuming GOH Kat Pepmiller at no cost to ICON other than a comp membership
      5. ICON is providing several tables for fannish groups to promote themselves at ICON 44 at no cost to them
      6. Dealers room is full
      7. Tony Penticoff asked about being able to use several Mindbridge laptops along with his personal laptops to run Artemis. Adam will verify how many can be used for that, probably 4 to 6. Want to know when Tony needs them and for how long (from/to dates).
    3. Gamicon
      1. Informal Meeting Sunday September 1st at the Maakestad’s, grill-out, 4:30 PM to ?. There will probably be gaming as well.
      2. Online registration and game entry is up and running.
  5. Other Projects
    1. Game Library – Luxor, Thursday September 5th, 6 PM, The Hobby Corner of Iowa City
      1. Had 245 checkouts of games at AnimeIowa
      2. On Iowa – August 21-24, 9pm to midnight at the University of Iowa IMU, still need help. This is a great opportunity to get information about us to incoming UI students.
      3. August 31, 1-6 pm, Geek City in North Liberty, The Fire in the Library
      4. ICON scheduled gaming – contact Michele if you want to run scheduled gaming at ICON
    2. Book Group – Monday, August 26th, 6 PM, Panera South Side, The Calculating Stars by Mary Robinette Kowal
    3. Video Game Library – received several donated games
  6. Old Business
    1. Zombie March Sponsorship, MB $400 paid, asking for small prices to be given away. This is their 14th year, will be Saturday September 21st. Charity is Table to Table and theme is Fall Formal.
    2. Extra Life wants lockable cash box, Jon will get from storage locker.
  7. New Business
    1. Grievances(s) Post AI 2019 – discussed.
    2. Extra Life Event, The Hobby Corner, Iowa City, August 24-25, 10 AM to 10 AM. Let’s have fun as a group and play some games. #ForThe Kids

Next Meeting: Wednesday, September 4, 2019 at The ARC of Southeast Iowa, 7 PM