Mindbridge Meeting Minutes July 3, 2019 at The ARC of Southeast Iowa
- Call to Order
- Minutes – posted online, reading waived
- Treasurer’s Report – down about $12k after paying bills
- Convention Reports
- AnimeIowa
- Still accepting staff!
- Game room needs help, especially for setup, tear down, mealtimes.
- Pre-registrations are about normal; badges are printed; badge holders picked up
- Meeting Wednesday July 10th at storage locker for truck load, time TBA, have 3 staff rooms at Coralville Marriott for out of town staff members helping load
- Slowly getting scheduling out to the public, have teams working on getting that done
- Making push for social media advertising heavily in the Des Moines area
- Next staff meeting Saturday July 20th, 1:30 PM, Coralville Public Library Room B
- Dealer room list is on the web site
- Updated book marks are available, thanks Victoria
- Blood Mobile will be at ICON Saturday from 11-2
- Wylde Nept Friday evening; they are also doing a panel at ICON titled “The Highly Anticipated Return Of Wylde Nept’s Awfully Brilliant (Mostly Awful) Hour Of Strange But True Band Secrets, Volume 2.”
- ConCom meeting Friday July 5 to go over budget
- Looking for suggestions for GOH for ICON 45, please sent them to John Johnson
- Gamicon
- Web site is up and taking registrations successfully
- Next meeting Sunday, July 21, North Liberty Pizza Ranch, 6 pm
- AnimeIowa
- Other Projects
- Game Library – Sorcerer, The Hobby Corner, Iowa City at: Thursday July 11, 6-9 pm; Thursday July 25, 6-9 pm; Saturday July 27, 1-4 pm
- Book Group: Monday July 8, 6 pm, Panera South Side CR, The Collapsing Empire by John Scalzi
- Video Game Library
- Consoles will need to be updated before the convention. Alex will need to liaise with a key holder to get access to the storage locker. All of the VGL tubs should be in the AnimeIowa storage locker.
- There’s only a nominal amount of new games that the VGL will be adding to its collection for AnimeIowa, as we are trying to keep total expenditures low given the current financial situation.
- Old Business
- Hall of Interest at AnimeIowa
- Fully booked; Mindbridge, ICON and Gamicon will be sharing a table
- New Business
- Zombie March Sponsorship, $400 asked for plus small prizes to be given away. This is the 14th year, September 21. Charity is Table to table, theme is Fall Formal. Board approved $400.
- Webmaster Meeting: John Johnson is organizing a meeting of the webmasters for Mindbridge and the 3 conventions to discuss hosting, platforms, share ideas, etc. Will set up a meeting for August with both in person and online video chat access available.
- Extra Life gaming for charity planned for August 24-25!
Next Meeting: Wednesday, August 7, 2019, 7 pm, location to be announced.