July 2019 Minutes

Mindbridge Meeting Minutes July 3, 2019 at The ARC of Southeast Iowa

  1. Call to Order
  2. Minutes – posted online, reading waived
  3. Treasurer’s Report – down about $12k after paying bills
  4. Convention Reports
    1. AnimeIowa
      1. Still accepting staff!
      2. Game room needs help, especially for setup, tear down, mealtimes.
      3. Pre-registrations are about normal; badges are printed; badge holders picked up
      4. Meeting Wednesday July 10th at storage locker for truck load, time TBA, have 3 staff rooms at Coralville Marriott for out of town staff members helping load
      5. Slowly getting scheduling out to the public, have teams working on getting that done
      6. Making push for social media advertising heavily in the Des Moines area
    2. ICON
      1. Next staff meeting Saturday July 20th, 1:30 PM, Coralville Public Library Room B
      2. Dealer room list is on the web site
      3. Updated book marks are available, thanks Victoria
      4. Blood Mobile will be at ICON Saturday from 11-2
      5. Wylde Nept Friday evening; they are also doing a panel at ICON titled “The Highly Anticipated Return Of Wylde Nept’s Awfully Brilliant (Mostly Awful) Hour Of Strange But True Band Secrets, Volume 2.”
      6. ConCom meeting Friday July 5 to go over budget
      7. Looking for suggestions for GOH for ICON 45, please sent them to John Johnson
    3. Gamicon
      1. Web site is up and taking registrations successfully
      2. Next meeting Sunday, July 21, North Liberty Pizza Ranch, 6 pm
  5. Other Projects
    1. Game Library – Sorcerer, The Hobby Corner, Iowa City at: Thursday July 11, 6-9 pm; Thursday July 25, 6-9 pm; Saturday July 27, 1-4 pm
    2. Book Group: Monday July 8, 6 pm, Panera South Side CR, The Collapsing Empire by John Scalzi
    3. Video Game Library
      1. Consoles will need to be updated before the convention. Alex will need to liaise with a key holder to get access to the storage locker. All of the VGL tubs should be in the AnimeIowa storage locker.
      2. There’s only a nominal amount of new games that the VGL will be adding to its collection for AnimeIowa, as we are trying to keep total expenditures low given the current financial situation.
  6. Old Business
    1. Hall of Interest at AnimeIowa
    2. Fully booked; Mindbridge, ICON and Gamicon will be sharing a table
  7. New Business
    1. Zombie March Sponsorship, $400 asked for plus small prizes to be given away. This is the 14th year, September 21. Charity is Table to table, theme is Fall Formal. Board approved $400.
    2. Webmaster Meeting: John Johnson is organizing a meeting of the webmasters for Mindbridge and the 3 conventions to discuss hosting, platforms, share ideas, etc. Will set up a meeting for August with both in person and online video chat access available.
    3. Extra Life gaming for charity planned for August 24-25!

Next Meeting: Wednesday, August 7, 2019, 7 pm, location to be announced.