Mindbridge Minutes April 3, 2019, The ARC of SE Iowa

  1. Call to Order
  2. Minutes – reading waived, approved
  3. Treasurer’s Report – up from last month
  4. Convention Reports
  5. AnimeIowa
    1. Looking for more volunteers
  6. ICON
    1. Next meeting Saturday April 6, 2:30 PM, Iowa City Public Library Room E
    2. May 18th meeting same date/location as the Mindbridge Annual
  7. Gamicon
    1. Next meeting Sunday, April 28, Beer Burger in North Liberty, 6 PM
    2. Following meeting Sunday, May 29th, Beer Burger in North Liberty, 6 PM
    3. Have Claire Hoffman as GOH
  8. Other Projects
    1. Game Library
      1. KARUBA, Thursday April 11th, 5 pm, The Hobby Corner, Iowa City
      2. Moved, seconded and approved to rent table stands
    2. Book Group: Monday, April 29th, 6 pm, Scooter’s Coffee, The Mote in God’s Eye by Larry Niven & Jerry Pournelle.
    3. Video Game Library – no report
  9. Old Business
    1. Social Event – Avengers: End Game, Sunday April 28th, Sycamore Theaters, noon showing
    2. Treasury Retreat report – information about 2019-2020 budget was discussed.
  10. New Business
    1. 1099–Misc (Jon) – may need to fill out and submit a 1099-Misc form for anyone paid over a certain amount ($500?)
    2. Lawyer (Adam) no report
    3. $144.73 for 2000 bookmarks – Moved, seconded and approved.
    4. Michele M suggested an email list for fun stuff, about one a month

No meeting on Wednesday, May 1st!

Annual Meeting: Saturday, May 18, 2019, noon, Coralville Public Library – this is the annual meeting where Mindbridge provides food.