December 2018 Minutes

MB minutes 7 PM, Dec 06, 2018 ARC of SouthEast Iowa

  1. Call to Order
  2. Minutes – Posted online, reading waived.
  3. Treasurer’s Report: About $15K less than last month, AI IEC deposit paid.
  4. Convention Reports
    1. Gamicon
      1. Staff meeting Sunday Dec 9th at 6 pm, Beer Burger in North Liberty
      2. GM Parties will be Sat Jan 12 noon-5pm, The Hobby Corner in Iowa City and Sunday Jan 13th noon-5pm, Tempest Games in Cedar Rapids.
      3. Program Book Ads for Gamicon need to be submitted before Jan 13th
    2. AnimeIowa
      1. Staff meeting Saturday Dec 8th at 2 pm, Studio Reserved in Cedar Rapids with Pot Luck and a movie to be announced
      2. Need staff
      3. Did a Black Friday registration sale again, last year got 124 in December, this year got 183 on just the Black Friday special.
      4. Having a Japanese Fashion Guest of Honor for the first time!
    3. ICON
      1. Need staff, have a couple department heads taking a break
      2. Staff meeting will be either Sat Jan 19 or Sat Jan 26, 2019.
      3. Online registration and hotel reservations will be up soon
  5. Other Projects
    1. Game Library: Harry Potter: Hogwarts Battle, 5-8pm, Thursday Dec 6th at The Hobby Corner in Iowa City
    2. Book Group: Monday, Jan 7, 2019, 6 pm, Scooter’s Coffee in Cedar Rapids, reading The Serpent of Venice by Christopher Moore
    3. Video Game Library
      1. Doing well, got a Play Station Classic and deciding if they want to keep it or put it in a auction.
      2. Getting information together to put on the web site
      3. Getting Smash Bros for Switch
  6. Old Business
    1. Budget Meeting results(Jon)
    2. Board revised the Mindbridge budget, if you want details please contact Jon.
  7. New Business
    1. Talk about being a charity. (Adam): Would cause a lot more bookkeeping paperwork and time, would probably have to add several staff members to keep up with the requirements. Not feasible at this time.
    2. Robin – shelving in MB2 storage locker (sometimes called AI locker but both are actually Mindbridge Lockers containing things used by all conventions) needs to be redone, the large washers weren’t put in place.
    3. Gamicon Cu (2020) proposal submitted by Tim.
      1. Moved to accept, seconded and passed.
      2. Possible theme might be “Cu at the Con”.
    4. Lego Family Programming – suggestion of acquiring a Big Lego Set
    5. Movie Outing: Aquaman on Sunday, Dec 23 for the 12:45 pm showing at Sycamore Theatres in the Iowa City Marketplace, meet there about 12:30 and buy your own tickets
    6. Fen Food (enjoy!!!): Several people brought yummy food to share including Espresso Dice Fudge and Unicorn and Dragon cookies. The Espresso Dice Fudge was voted winner.

Next Meeting: Wednesday, January 2nd, 2019 at 7 pm, Denny Lynch casa, Cedar Rapids