April 2018 Minutes

Mindbridge Meeting Minutes April 4, 2018 at 7 PM ARC of Southeast Iowa

  1. Call to Order
  2. Minutes – Posted online, reading waived.
  3. Treasurer’s Report – up $8K from last month
  4. Convention Reports
    1. AnimeIowa
      1. Next meeting Saturday April 14th at Adventureland Inn, staying at Hilton afterwards to check it out
      2. Still looking for help
      3. Are advertising in social media.
      4. Rooms must be booked this month, hotel room blocks close this month
    2. ICON
      1. Next meeting date changed to Sunday April 8th 1:30 pm at BeerBurger, 575 Cameron Way, North Liberty, IA 52317
      2. Looking for more people to walk in parades, contact Jenny Carhoff by mid-May if you are willing (it’s fun!)
    3. Gamicon
      1. Next meeting Sunday April 29th, 6 PM at North Liberty Pizza Ranch
      2. Expect to have Artist GOH by the April 29th meeting
      3. First 30 Sponsors of Gamicon will get a really cool messenger bag
      4. Registration is up, have flyers
  5. Other Projects
    1. Game LibraryMachi Koro, Friday April 13th 5 PM, The Hobby Corner, Iowa City
      1. Had tub G at the Cedar Rapids Public Library on March 30th, want to do again.
      2. Looking at possibly small “Gamicon Lite” one day gaming events and this would work good for one
    2. Book Group – Monday April 16th 6 pm, Scooter’s Coffee in Cedar Rapids, Promise of Blood by Brian McClellan.
    3. Video Game Library – working on an Excel DB for check in/out of games, Adam is experimenting with a bar code reader
  6. Old Business
    1. AI Tech Request for 3 LCD projectors and 2 TV’s for $2136- deferred to May meeting
    2. AI Tech Request for 1 laptop for $269 and 2 tablets for $252 with bags for $26, total $548 plus tax. Moved to purchase, seconded, passed. Adam will purchase and submit receipt to Jon for reimbursement.
    3. Printer Software for Photobooth – Jon will contact Sara P and purchase
  7. New Business
    1. AI Hotel Updates (Jon)
      1. AI needs MB to help get as many rooms reserved as soon as possible
      2. The room block cutoff is end of April
      3. Mindbridge has a hotel room reserved for MB volunteers at AI – let Jon know if you can help
    2. ISU Nonprofit Management Academy
      1. Monthly classes are starting in June, if you are interested let Jon M. know which ones before the next meeting
      2. Will discuss at the May meeting
  8. Meeting Adjourned

Next meeting: Wednesday May 2, 2018 at Denny Lynch Casa, 7 PM