1. Call to Order
  2. Minutes: Posted online, approved as posted.
  3. Treasurer’s Report: Less than last month after paying first part of AI bills, big bill yet to be paid
  4. Convention Reports
    1. ICON
      1. Sept 9 at 9 AM locker audit/verify, meeting at 1:30 PM Iowa City Pizza Hut
      2. Have Author, Artist and FAN GOHS as well as date for ICON 43 but Need a concom for ICON 43 in 2018
      3. ICON locker run to load truck 4 PM Thursday Sep 28, unload at CR Marriott starting around 5:30 PM
      4. ICON is Friday September 29 – October 1, 2017
    2. GAMICON
      1. May have GOH
      2. Staff meeting Sunday Sep 24, 6 PM, North Liberty Pizza Ranch
      3. There will be Catan National Championship Qualifier event at Gamicon
    3. AnimeIowa
      1. Post mortum Sep 9, 2 pm, UI Athletic Club
      2. Raised $1300 for their charity, Mindbridge will match first $499.
  5. Other Projects
    1. Game Library
      1. Hotshots, Friday Oct 6th, The Hobby Corner of Iowa City
      2. Helped run games during UI Freshman Orientation, Rebecca handled very successfully. UI wants to do it again.
    2. Book Group – Monday Sept 18, 6 pm, Scooters Coffee, Jaran by Kate Elliott.
    3. Video Library – Drake Anime Club Feb 10 – want to rent Video Library
  6. Old Business
    1. Pens – Paid for ICON, Robin will have at AI meeting on Sep 9, John will pick up from her.
    2. Sunday Sep 24, Star Trek Discovery at Denny’s, costs $6/month for CBS All Access, do we want to do? Concensus was not at this time
    3. Volunteering for ARC at Kinnick
  7. New Business
    1. Iowa City Book Festival, Saturday October 14th, 10 AM to 4 PM, Iowa City Ped Mall. Table is paid for and now we need Volunteers. Cath and Victoria will help, could use more.
    2. AI Charity matching? – Adam will send info to Jon so he can write a check.
    3. Super Committee Meeting 12 Noon, Saturday September 30th, Room 214 Cedar Rapids Marriott Board Room (this is at ICON). Everyone on a current ConCom should try to attend. You do not have to be registered for ICON to attend this meeting.
    4. Extra Life Charity Event, November 4, 2017 at The Hobby Corner of Iowa City, please sponsor Team GAMICON!
    5. Motion to buy Giant Jenga for game library for less then $100. Seconded and passed.
    6. Strange discussion about someone concerning riding crop and leather items of clothing that you’ll have to buy Jon or John a Guinness to hear details.

Next Meeting: October 4, 2017 at The ARC of Southeast Iowa, 7 PM.

Super Committee Meeting 12 Noon, Saturday September 30th, Room 214 Cedar Rapids Marriott