June 2017 Minutes

June 7th, 2017 7 pm Iowa City Public Library Room E

  1. Call to Order
  2. Minutes – posted online, reading waived.
  3. Treasurer’s Report – we have more money than last month but lots of big bills coming up in July.
  4. Convention Reports
    1. AnimeIowa
      1. Doing well overall.
      2. Adam moved that the board OK AI buying a 40” TV to be used for AI meeting online conferencing and recharge room.
      3. Seconded, and approved on condition that it be tagged as an asset.
      4. May need a third storage locker.
      5. Next AI staff meeting will be Saturday June 24, 2 pm at Coralville Marriott and include a white elephant gift exchange.
      6. July Staff meeting will be July 15 at 2 pm.
    2. ICON
      1. Next staff meeting Saturday June 10, 1:30 PM at Coralville Public Library.
      2. Art show emails sent.
      3. No 43 concom yet.
      4. ICON will be marching in the Trekfest Parade on Saturday June 24, would love others to join us.
    3. Gamicon
      1. Next staff meeting Saturday June 25, North Liberty Pizza Ranch, 6pm for food, 6:30 for meeting.
      2. Has an Artist GOH, working on Gaming GOH.
  5. Other Projects
    1. Game Library
      1. Friday, June 2nd, 5-8 pm The Hobby Corner, Iowa City, Robo Rally (new version).
      2. Friday, July 7th, 5-8 pm The Hobby Corner, Iowa City, Star Realms, Hero Realms
      3. Received donation of several games from Kirk Riessen before he passed on. Gamicon Charity Auction is The Cholangiocarcinoma Foundation in his honor.
      4. Game Library Inventory will be July 15 starting at 10 AM, North Liberty Recreation Center. Lunch and dinner will be provided.
      5. Signed up for Board Game Bento, provides several games a month.
    2. Book Group
      1. Monday, June 26th, 6 pm, Scooter’s Coffee,  Tam Lin by Pamela Dean.
      2. List of upcoming books is on the Mindbridge web site at https://mindbridge.org/projects/book-discussion-group/
    3. Video Game Library (Adam and Alex): Inventory complete, some games purchased. Planning to buy several consoles and monitors to support single and 2 player games.
  6. Old Business
    1. New Registration Cart (Katie)
      1. Discussion continued on buying registration cart for $400 plus tax. Concern voiced about its weight (250 pounds empty).
      2. Moved, seconded and passed.
    2. Trek Fest XXXIII :: June 23-24, 2017, Riverside Iowa, 10 am Parade Saturday the 24th.
      1. ICON will be marching in the parade, please come and join them.
      2. Mindbridge has a table in their vendor tent.
  7. New Business
    1. Advertising/Public Relations(Adam)
      1. Suggested looking at buying photography backdrops, cost would be about $400 each, one with the Mindbridge and Convention logos like what you see at ComicCon, the other a SciFi/Fantasy background possibly like a Star Trek bridge.
      2. Do we need more pens? AI – yes. ICON and Gamicon – do not know how many are left, Katie will check and let us know. Moved, Seconded and passed to ask Robin to buy more AI pens.

Next Meeting: July 5th, 2017 at Denny Lynch’s home 7 pm