June 7th, 2017 7 pm Iowa City Public Library Room E
- Call to Order
- Minutes – posted online, reading waived.
- Treasurer’s Report – we have more money than last month but lots of big bills coming up in July.
- Convention Reports
- AnimeIowa
- Doing well overall.
- Adam moved that the board OK AI buying a 40” TV to be used for AI meeting online conferencing and recharge room.
- Seconded, and approved on condition that it be tagged as an asset.
- May need a third storage locker.
- Next AI staff meeting will be Saturday June 24, 2 pm at Coralville Marriott and include a white elephant gift exchange.
- July Staff meeting will be July 15 at 2 pm.
- Next staff meeting Saturday June 10, 1:30 PM at Coralville Public Library.
- Art show emails sent.
- No 43 concom yet.
- ICON will be marching in the Trekfest Parade on Saturday June 24, would love others to join us.
- Gamicon
- Next staff meeting Saturday June 25, North Liberty Pizza Ranch, 6pm for food, 6:30 for meeting.
- Has an Artist GOH, working on Gaming GOH.
- AnimeIowa
- Other Projects
- Game Library
- Friday, June 2nd, 5-8 pm The Hobby Corner, Iowa City, Robo Rally (new version).
- Friday, July 7th, 5-8 pm The Hobby Corner, Iowa City, Star Realms, Hero Realms
- Received donation of several games from Kirk Riessen before he passed on. Gamicon Charity Auction is The Cholangiocarcinoma Foundation in his honor.
- Game Library Inventory will be July 15 starting at 10 AM, North Liberty Recreation Center. Lunch and dinner will be provided.
- Signed up for Board Game Bento, provides several games a month.
- Book Group
- Monday, June 26th, 6 pm, Scooter’s Coffee, Tam Lin by Pamela Dean.
- List of upcoming books is on the Mindbridge web site at https://mindbridge.org/projects/book-discussion-group/
- Video Game Library (Adam and Alex): Inventory complete, some games purchased. Planning to buy several consoles and monitors to support single and 2 player games.
- Game Library
- Old Business
- New Registration Cart (Katie)
- Discussion continued on buying registration cart for $400 plus tax. Concern voiced about its weight (250 pounds empty).
- Moved, seconded and passed.
- Trek Fest XXXIII :: June 23-24, 2017, Riverside Iowa, 10 am Parade Saturday the 24th.
- ICON will be marching in the parade, please come and join them.
- Mindbridge has a table in their vendor tent.
- New Registration Cart (Katie)
- New Business
- Advertising/Public Relations(Adam)
- Suggested looking at buying photography backdrops, cost would be about $400 each, one with the Mindbridge and Convention logos like what you see at ComicCon, the other a SciFi/Fantasy background possibly like a Star Trek bridge.
- Do we need more pens? AI – yes. ICON and Gamicon – do not know how many are left, Katie will check and let us know. Moved, Seconded and passed to ask Robin to buy more AI pens.
- Advertising/Public Relations(Adam)
Next Meeting: July 5th, 2017 at Denny Lynch’s home 7 pm