Mindbridge Annual Meeting Minutes – Sat May 13, 2017 at Coralville Public Library
- Call to Order
- Minutes – posted online and on list
- Treasurer’s Report – we have money.
- Convention Reports
- AnimeIowa
- Next staff meetings: June 3 and June 24
- There will be a Mindbridge Room Party at AI
- Next staff meeting: today at 1:30 PM in the next room, then June 10, 2017 at Coralville Public Library
- Need a publicity person
- Need a ConCom for ICON 43 (Oct 2018)
- Sara has free books with ICON bookmarks for people to put in the mini library stands, they are in the back of the room./li>
- Gamicon
- Next staff meeting: May 21, 6 pm, North Liberty Pizza Ranch
- GOH’s lined up, Artist GOH Aaron Riley/li>
- AnimeIowa
- Other Projects
- Game Library: Annual audit will be Saturday July 15 10am-6pm, location TBA
- Book Group: Monday June 26, Tam Lin by Pamela Dean
- Video Game Library
- Still working on inventory and plotting for new acquisitions
- Jon Maakestad got a big box of PS3 games with a (maybe working) PS3 for $50, sold to Video Game Library for his cost.
- Old Business
- Mindbridge BAN Policy posted.
- Lawyer (Adam) still tabled to June
- Electronics Use Policy (Adam) still tabled to June
- AI presented AnimeIowa Cash Policy
- New Business
- Board of Director Election 1: John Johnson – voted back in for 2 years until May 2019 annual meeting
- Board of Director Election 2: Adam Brower – voted back in for 2 years until May 2019 annual meeting
- Announcements
- Trekfest in Saturday June 24 in Riverside Iowa. ICON will be in the parade, please join them! Steve Tait is doing a table for MB.
- AnimeIowa will be in the Des Moines Fourth of July Parade, asked if ICON and/or Gamicon want to join them
- DMSFS may be interested in renting their gridwall to AnimeIowa with its move to Des Moines, consensus is that it sounds like a good idea. Their gridwall is stored on carts so it much easier to move and already in Des Moines.
- Cedar Rapids Orchestra Iowa is doing JOHN WILLIAMS NIGHT AT THE MOVIES (Star Wars music) on Saturday, May 20, 2017 at 7:30pm and Sunday, May 21, 2017 at 2:30pm at Paramount Theatre
- Tickets are now on sale for the Harry Potter Musical in Des Moines in February 2018.
- Meeting Adjourned for food
Next Meeting: Wed June 7, 2017 at 7 pm in Meeting Room E of the Iowa City Public Library (second floor)