2017 Annual Meeting Minutes

Mindbridge Annual Meeting Minutes – Sat May 13, 2017 at Coralville Public Library

  1. Call to Order
  2. Minutes – posted online and on list
  3. Treasurer’s Report – we have money.
  4. Convention Reports
    1. AnimeIowa
      1. Next staff meetings: June 3 and June 24
      2. There will be a Mindbridge Room Party at AI
    2. ICON
      1. Next staff meeting: today at 1:30 PM in the next room, then June 10, 2017 at Coralville Public Library
      2. Need a publicity person
      3. Need a ConCom for ICON 43 (Oct 2018)
      4. Sara has free books with ICON bookmarks for people to put in the mini library stands, they are in the back of the room./li>
    3. Gamicon
      1. Next staff meeting: May 21, 6 pm, North Liberty Pizza Ranch
      2. GOH’s lined up, Artist GOH Aaron Riley/li>
  5. Other Projects
    1. Game Library: Annual audit will be Saturday July 15 10am-6pm, location TBA
    2. Book Group: Monday June 26, Tam Lin by Pamela Dean
    3. Video Game Library
      1. Still working on inventory and plotting for new acquisitions
      2. Jon Maakestad got a big box of PS3 games with a (maybe working) PS3 for $50, sold to Video Game Library for his cost.
  6. Old Business
    1. Mindbridge BAN Policy posted.
    2. Lawyer (Adam) still tabled to June
    3. Electronics Use Policy (Adam) still tabled to June
    4. AI presented AnimeIowa Cash Policy
  7. New Business
    1. Board of Director Election 1: John Johnson – voted back in for 2 years until May 2019 annual meeting
    2. Board of Director Election 2: Adam Brower – voted back in for 2 years until May 2019 annual meeting
  8. Announcements
    1. Trekfest in Saturday June 24 in Riverside Iowa. ICON will be in the parade, please join them! Steve Tait is doing a table for MB.
    2. AnimeIowa will be in the Des Moines Fourth of July Parade, asked if ICON and/or Gamicon want to join them
    3. DMSFS may be interested in renting their gridwall to AnimeIowa with its move to Des Moines, consensus is that it sounds like a good idea. Their gridwall is stored on carts so it much easier to move and already in Des Moines.
    4. Cedar Rapids Orchestra Iowa is doing JOHN WILLIAMS NIGHT AT THE MOVIES (Star Wars music) on Saturday, May 20, 2017 at 7:30pm and Sunday, May 21, 2017 at 2:30pm at Paramount Theatre
    5. Tickets are now on sale for the Harry Potter Musical in Des Moines in February 2018.
  9. Meeting Adjourned for food

Next Meeting: Wed June 7, 2017 at 7 pm in Meeting Room E of the Iowa City Public Library (second floor)