January 2017 Minutes

Mindbridge Meeting Minutes January 4, 2017 at Denny Lynch home

  1. Call to Order
  2. Minutes Posted online.
  3. Treasurer’s Report: We have slightly more money than last month.
  4. Convention Reports
    1. Gamicon
      1. GM party at Critical Hit Games, Saturday Jan 7 noon to 5 pm.
      2. Pre-reg ends January 15th
      3. Reserve your hotel room(s) before the end of January!
    2. AnimeIowa
      1. Staff meeting Saturday Jan 7 at 2 pm Coralville Marriott
      2. Question was asked about honorarium (or equivalent) for GOH’s – Mindbridge does *NOT* have a requirement that GOH’s get the same amount.
    3. ICON
      1. Programming Meeting Saturday Jan 14 noon, Staff meeting Sat Jan 14 1:30 pm, both at Coralville Public Library auditorium.
  5. Other Projects
    1. Game Library – Friday, January 6th, 5-8 pm The Hobby Corner, Iowa City, Panic Lab.
    2. Book Group: Monday, January 23rd, 6 pm, Scooter’s Coffee (formerly Coffesmiths), Written in Red by Anne Bishop.
    3. Video Game Library – working on policies, organization, inventory. Requested copies of Game Library policies from Michele.
  6. Old Business
    1. Discussing capital purchase request(s)
      1. AnimeIowa Logistics Capital Expenditure for $1638.98. Discussed, Discussed, moved to approve, seconded and passed with suggestion to check locally for equivalent carts.
      2. AnimeIowa Request for Support: Musical Guest URIZEN for $4750. Discussed, moved to approve, seconded and passed.
    2. Voting on AnimeIowa 2018 Bid
      1. Discussed, moved to approve, seconded and passed.
  7. New Business
    1. Club House or not? What does everyone think? Much rambling discussion, consensus was to have Jon research current options.
    2. Storage Locker lock keys – much discussion, moved to have Michele investigate new locks. Seconded and passed.

Next Meeting: February 1st, 2017 at The ARC of Southeast Iowa 7 pm