Mindbridge Meeting Minutes January 4, 2017 at Denny Lynch home
- Call to Order
- Minutes Posted online.
- Treasurer’s Report: We have slightly more money than last month.
- Convention Reports
- Gamicon
- GM party at Critical Hit Games, Saturday Jan 7 noon to 5 pm.
- Pre-reg ends January 15th
- Reserve your hotel room(s) before the end of January!
- AnimeIowa
- Staff meeting Saturday Jan 7 at 2 pm Coralville Marriott
- Question was asked about honorarium (or equivalent) for GOH’s – Mindbridge does *NOT* have a requirement that GOH’s get the same amount.
- Programming Meeting Saturday Jan 14 noon, Staff meeting Sat Jan 14 1:30 pm, both at Coralville Public Library auditorium.
- Gamicon
- Other Projects
- Game Library – Friday, January 6th, 5-8 pm The Hobby Corner, Iowa City, Panic Lab.
- Book Group: Monday, January 23rd, 6 pm, Scooter’s Coffee (formerly Coffesmiths), Written in Red by Anne Bishop.
- Video Game Library – working on policies, organization, inventory. Requested copies of Game Library policies from Michele.
- Old Business
- Discussing capital purchase request(s)
- AnimeIowa Logistics Capital Expenditure for $1638.98. Discussed, Discussed, moved to approve, seconded and passed with suggestion to check locally for equivalent carts.
- AnimeIowa Request for Support: Musical Guest URIZEN for $4750. Discussed, moved to approve, seconded and passed.
- Voting on AnimeIowa 2018 Bid
- Discussed, moved to approve, seconded and passed.
- Discussing capital purchase request(s)
- New Business
- Club House or not? What does everyone think? Much rambling discussion, consensus was to have Jon research current options.
- Storage Locker lock keys – much discussion, moved to have Michele investigate new locks. Seconded and passed.
Next Meeting: February 1st, 2017 at The ARC of Southeast Iowa 7 pm