Mindbridge Meeting Minutes July 6, 2016

  1. Call to Order
  2. Minutes – Posted online.
  3. Treasurer’s Report – we have money but less than last month with AI expenses.
  4. Convention Reports
    1. AnimeIowa
      1. Things appear to be going well.
      2. Next staff meeting Saturday July 16th 2 pm at Coralville Marriott.
      3. Volunteers – if you work 12 hours over the weekend you will get free AI registration – contact Adam for details.
    2. ICON
      1. Next staff meeting Saturday July 9 1:30 pm at Coralville Public Library meeting room B
      2. T-shirt pre-order page is ready to go up live, Victoria tested it by ordering a shirt.
    3. Gamicon
      1. Next staff meeting Sunday August 14th 6:30 pm at Ryan’s
      2. Have GOH – Ken Hite (podcast)
  5. Other Projects
    1. Game Library — The Hobby Corner Friday, July 8 th, 5-8 pm, Castle Panic.
    2. Annual Game Library meeting and inventory Sunday, July 24 th 1-8 pm Supper provided. North Liberty Community Rec. Center.
    3. Book Group: Monday July 18 th, 6 pm, Scooter’s Coffee, Digger: The Complete Omnibus Edition by Ursula Vernon.
  6. Old Business
    1. TrekFest Report (Steve and/or Denny)
      1. Steve sold $132 in books/product, no memberships.
      2. Denny estimated about 150 people in costume.
      3. The ICON banner was in the parade.
    2. Charity helped. The board approved spending $100 to support the Demicon & Des Moines Science Fiction Society’s team in the American Cancer Society’s June 25, 2016 Run For Life.
  7. New Business
    1. Iowa City Book Festival, Saturday, October 8th , 10am – 4 pm. (Table will be paid for soon.) This is 3 weeks before ICON and a great promo opportunity for ICON.
    2. Downtown Board Game Night with The Hobby Corner is scheduled for Tuesday July 12 from 5 pm to 8 pm at the Black Hawk Mini Park at the Ped Mall in Iowa City. (corner of Washington and Dubuque)
    3. Pens – discussion, Moved, Seconded and passed for Robin Buskirk to order about 300 pens not to exceed $250 for AnimeIowa. Pens expected to have AI Logo, AI web site, MB web site. Probably use DND Sales in Charles City.
    4. Badge Holders – Robin with check with DND and others; Jon will ask Michelle M who she used last time.

Next Meeting: August 3rd, 2016 at ARC of Southeast Iowa. Board meeting at 6pm, general at 7pm