- Call to Order
- Minutes from last meeting plus Introductions of people in attendance. Minutes were posted online and on list.
- Treasurer’s Report — we have money.
- AnimeIowa Report (July 29-31, 2016) (Coralville Marriott)
- Pre-Registration count is currently about 2,054 attendees, expect total of about 4,000 with at the door registrations.
- Cost at the door will be $60.
- Moving to Des Moines in 2018.
- ICON Report (#41 October 28-30, 2016) (Cedar Rapids Marriott)
- Working on a Children’s Programming Track, Harry Potter Children’s LARP.
- Online T-shirt orders will be available soon.
- Gamicon Report (February 24-26, 2017) (Cedar Rapids Marriott)
- Tim is working on guest of honor.
- Old Business
- TrekFest, June 24-25, 2016 in Riverside Iowa.
- We have 2 tables.
- This is the 32nd year of Trek Fest.
- TrekFest, June 24-25, 2016 in Riverside Iowa.
- New Business
- Kirk Con (Riverside, 1 day con in the Riverside Casino).
- Tentative date is Sunday October 2, 2016.
- Planning costumes, games, vendors.
- Mindbridge will probably have a table in vendor area.
- Proposal for new square card reader (Jon) (Handout).
- Moved, seconded and passed to purchase a new square reader that can accept chip cards, to see how it works.
- Cost expected to be about $87.00.
- First use will be at AnimeIowa Registration.
- Board Member Nomination and Vote.
- Dennis Lynch said he was not running for re-election but will continue handing email to info at mindbridge dot org for us.
- Nominees were Michelle Weinard-McKibben and Katie Heckel.
- Ballets were collected, counted, and Katie Heckel is the new board member.
- Kirk Con (Riverside, 1 day con in the Riverside Casino).
- Meeting adjourned for Food and Fun. Our thanks to Michelle Weinard-McKibben and her minion Mark for arranging the food.
Next Meeting: Wednesday July 6, 2016 at Denny Lynch’s house