January 2016 Minutes

  1. Call to Order
  2. Minutes – posted online
  3. Treasurer’s Report – we have money.
  4. Convention Reports
    1. Gamicon
      1. Over 100 events so far.
      2. GM party Jan 16 1-4 at The Hobby Corner.
      3. Still working on secondary site for Saturday.
      4. Deadline for ads to Gamicon program book is Feb 1, send to Michele Maakestad.
    2. AnimeIowa
      1. Staff tour of Iowa Event Center at last meeting, went very good.
      2. Next meeting Sat Jan 9 at 2 pm at Brown Deer
    3. ICON
      1. ICON Staff meeting Saturday Jan 30, 1:30-3:30 pm at Coralville Public Library room B, ICON 40 recap meeting at 3:30 same location. May go to Olive Garden afterwards for dinner.
      2. Cedar Rapids Museum of Art SciFi show now closed, museum and public loved it. MB will be getting bills to return art to the artists.
  5. Other Projects
    1. Game Library: The Hobby Corner Friday, January 7 th, 5-8 pm, Tsuro of the Seas. Sun 1-4 Dream Island. Sat Jan 16 Rxel Tactics Deluxe, Jan 31st 104 One Night Vampire
    2. Book Group: Monday January 25 th, 6 pm, Coffeesmith’s, The Sleeping Dragon by Joel Rosenberg.
  6. Old Business
    1. Discussion on Banning Guidelines (handout) – board discussing.
    2. Storage Locker audit & cleanup Saturday April 9 at 10 AM, if you care strongly what is there for your convention be there or have someone there to represent you.
    3. Mindbridge Reads on GoodReads.com – everyone who read at least 25 books in 2015 received a Barnes & Noble gift card. For 2016, will be doing differently with a group read goal of 1000 books.
  7. New Business
    1. Gamicon #26 Fe (iron) 2017 bid submitted – Michele Maakestad, Mike Johnson, Tom and Amanda Bowersox. Approved.
    2. Board approved doing TrekFest tables this summer.
    3. Tim Rudzianski approved as new Mindbridge Member.

Next Meeting: February 3rd, 2016 at The ARC of Southeast Iowa, 6 pm for board, 7 pm for general.