- Minutes from last meeting online
- Tabletop day at Geek City April 11 at 10 am
- Gamicon MN theme is Mad Scientists
- Book Group read The Golem and the Jinni by Helene Wecker and discussing April 13
- All console games have been purchased
- AI Tech Request
- Grand total with all is $10,535.92.
- Moved and seconded to fund for $11,000 for larger screens and LCD case.
- Passed.
- AI Laptop Request
- Discussed, Moved and seconded to fund for $10,000 to purchase 6 of each option with cases, mice, software
- Passed.
- Adam B. will take responsibility for keeping the laptops up to date, cloud backup, etc.
- Alex Phillips voted in as a Mindbridge member.
- The May meeting will be a Social gathering to see Avengers Ultron in Cedar Rapids on May 1st around 7 PM, contact Jon Maakestad for details.
- The Annual Meeting will be Saturday May 30, 2015 at the Coralville Public Library. We have the room room 9-4 pm.
- ICON staff meeting at 10 AM
- MB lunch at noon, gaming and/or continue of ICON meeting afterwards
- The 7 pm Wednesday June 3 meeting will be at Denny Lynch’s home instead of at ARC.