Mindbridge General Meeting minutes for Wednesday December 3, 2014 at ARC of Southeast Iowa

  1. Call to order by Jon M
  2. Minutes of last meeting not available yet
  3. Treasurer’s report was read.
  4. ICON Report
    1. ICON 39 recap meeting Saturday Dec 6 at 1:30 pm, Coralville Library, going to Olive Gardern afterwards
    2. Treasurers meeting with Jon M Sunday Dec 7 to help with wrap up books for 39
  5. Gamicon Report
    1. Gamicon 2016 BID due by MB January 2015 meeting – have concom (Pat, Jim and Shawn)
    2. Postcard sent out
    3. Tyler doing a coupon sheet of local businesses
    4. May be doing a video tournament and two LARPs
    5. Dealer room is full
    6. Next Gamicon meeting Sunday Dec 7 6:30 pm at Shawn and John’s
  6. AnimeIowa Report
    1. Room block is full, execs working on 2016 bid and need volunteers
  7. Other Projects
    1. Mindbridge Reads: One person as 125 books read so far, others trying to catch up – deadline is Dec 31 for this year
    2. Game Library: Doing demo of Mystery of the Abbey at Hobby Corner on Dec 5 at 5ish pm
    3. Book Group: Monday Dec 8 6 pm at Coffeesmith, The Golden City by J. Kathleen Cheney.
  8. Old Business
    1. Purchasing Video Game items for Mindbridge not done yet, $4k approved, will be done soon.
    2. Storage lockers
      1. Marty ordered new matching lock for second storage locker
      2. going to add additional shelf to existing locker
    3. New Business
      1. AI 2016 is looking for a treasurer, now is a good time to learn working with 2015 treasurer.
      2. Any stipend for AI treasurer must be in the AI budget
      3. Board budgeting retreat suggestion Saturday March 14th 2015 at Iowa City Public Library 1-4pm

    Next Meeting: January 7th, 2015 at Denny Lynch’s house at 7 pm