July 2014 Minutes

  1. AnimeIowa
    1. Just 3 weeks away…
    2. July 12, 2pm Coralville Marriott next meeting.
  2. ICON
    1. Next meeting July 19th 1:30 pm John Johnson’s residence.
    2. T-shirts will be available for online purchase “real soon”.
  3. Gamicon
    1. Next meeting August 3, 6:30 pm Nigel Ray’s residence.
  4. Game Library – July 11th, Volt, Hobby Corner, 5ish pm
  5. Book Group: Off Armageddon Reef by David Weber, 6pm on July 14th at Coffeesmith’s.
  6. Vote on AI 2015 bid – Several minor adjustments made and then the bid was approved as modified. Thank you to Katie Heckel, Steve Tait and Andy Wheeler for stepping up!
  7. Trek Fest 2014 Sold over $100 worth of Star Trek books and the weather for once cooperated. Thank you to Steve Tait and Denny Lynch for working this event.
  8. Annual membership meeting – Thanks to Michelle for the Panera food and the great organization.
  9. We agreed to get a booth at the IC Book Fair on October 4th, if we still can. $100 budget.
  10. Mindbridge Reads is up to 391 books so far in 2014.
  11. It was mentioned that short stories were not supposed to count. Hint, hint…
  12. Hugo 3D, Snow Piercer were mentioned as movies to see by Denny Lynch.
  13. August 6th Iowa City Public Library next meeting

One thought on “July 2014 Minutes

  1. “7. Trek Fest 2014 Sold ” fails to mention the help Jon, Michele, and Rhianna Maakestad provide in setting up the table.

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