Minutes for December 4th Mindbridge Meeting
- Social Event for December was discussed. The Hobbit 2: Desolation of Smaug will be seen by MB at the Coral Ridge Theaters Sunday, December 15th at 7:00 pm. Please contact Jon Maakestad with your RSVP.
- Hills Bank gave us a holiday gift. Assorted snacks and a calendar.
- November minutes were “waved”.
- Jon presented a completed treasurers report.
- ICON 30 had at least 449 mostly warm bodies
- ICON 39 has 112 pre-reg at the con
- Much awesome discussion of ICON 38 was had.
- Gamicon will be having a GM Party at Critical Hit Games on Saturday, January 11th, 1-5 pm. Snacks and drinks provided.
- AnimeIowa is doing fine. No new news.
- Game Library is demoing Timeline Friday December 6th at The Hobby Corner 5:30 pm.
- Book group is reading The Golden Key.
- Mindbridge Goodreads was given a $100 budget for prizes at January 8th meeting.
- Shawn Johnson was approved by membership to spend $20 on ratcheting tie downs for the gridwall panels in the storage locker.
- Steve Tait will be providing a proposal for next year’s Trek Fest.
- A fabulous white elephant holiday event occured and many cool items changed hands. Thanks to Marty Milder, Tracie Michlin, Shawn and John Johnson.
- Steve Tait got David K’s contact info and we should add him to our MB email list.